Tech Mahindra’s Company Pattern 2016 consists of 4 rounds, they are the Online Written Round, the Story Writing Round, the Technical Round, and the Human Resource Round.
nTech Mahindra’s Story Writing Round is the second round of the Tech Mahindra Pattern 2016. It is also referred to as the image-writing round. This round consists of one essay type question. The duration of the round is 15 minutes. The question contains a picture for which the candidate needs to write a story that describes it. The Story Writing Round also is also conducted online. The story must only contain 1,200 characters, including spaces. This approximately comes upto 200 words. The Story Writing round is conducted to test the candidate’s literary skills. The candidate’s grammar, punctuation, and spellings will be assessed in this round. This round does not have a cut-off, the result of this test will declare whether the candidate is eligible for the job role, or not.
nThe questions for the Story Writing Round consists of an image. The common images given in this round are that of a farewell party, a sad girl sitting outside a library, a poster put up in a school or any other simple image that can be described.
nIf you are wondering how to prepare for the Story Writing Round, here are some tips that will help you:
nClick here to get access to Tech Mahindra Recruitment: Most Repeated Tech Mahindra Aptitude Test Questions.
nWe wish you all the best for the Tech Mahindra Recruitment Drive 2016.