Reliance Industries Interview Questions for Freshers – FACE Prep

Reliance Industries Interview Questions for Freshers – FACE Prep

Reliance industries have by far stood out to be the best company in the private sector. Earlier the company used to deal in textiles but later on it stepped its foot in other businesses as well. As of now, Reliance Industries is the leading company in the private sector offering jobs in Petroleum, natural gas, petrochemicals, textiles, retail, telecommunications, and media.


Hence the reliance industries have an immense number of job vacancies available for most of the core engineering branches. And in order to get yourself into the company, you need to know the nitty gritty of reliance industries interview questions and answers round.



Reliance Interview Rounds KPMG Interview Questions

In the wake of clearing both the written test namely reliance aptitude test and reliance written technical test, the last selection round for Reliance Recruitment process is the technical and HR interview. Sometimes the technical and HR interview for reliance industries are combined for one round and sometimes it is divided into two individual rounds depending upon time and other possible constraints. Further information about Reliance industries interview questions is shared below.

Reliance Technical round

Reliance communication interview round is the key element of the reliance recruitment process. Getting a job is not difficult but getting the right job matching your skills and interests is hard to find. In spite of knowing this fact most of the people underrate the interview part and thus fail to clear them. The main reason behind this is the lack of knowledge regarding the type of interviews that can be conducted.

Reliance interview questions and answers round mostly take around an hour wherein the technical knowledge of the applicant using any of below-mentioned methods is being checked:

  • Questions from the core subjects mentioned in the resume may be asked
  • The logic for questions answered in the written technical round is sometimes asked in the reliance industries interview questions
  • Query-based questions for the role of a database developer
  • Questions based on your technical projects/ internships
  • Questions from your favorite subject
  • Code based questions for CSE applicants are incorporated in the reliance industries interview questions round

After getting familiar with the various aspects of reliance interview question and answer round now you need to focus on how to convert a job offer positively on your side.

Tips to crack Reliance Industries interview questions:

  • Do background research and read carefully about the job profile and responsibilities that come along with the job role
  • Study thoroughly about the company projects and endeavors achieved recently
  • Learn how to direct the interview in your direction
  • Select at least 4-5 subjects of your choice from your core branch
  • Start with one subject each and write down some basic questions that can be asked. Further, write down the answers to those questions and prepare new questions following those answers by picking one or more keywords from your answers.
  • Forget that a good CGPA guarantees a job, instead, a knowledgeable mind does. So try to showcase your knowledge in the reliance communications interview round with more specific and to the point answers.

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Reliance HR round

This round of recruitment process can be a bit a tricky one as now the interview is going to grill you on your personality. There is no set in stone answers for an HR interview since it is only a strategy for the interviewer to delve further into the identity of the applicant and check his/her job fitment.

However, there are certain possible ways in which you can answer the reliance industries interview questions and stand out the best among other applicants. In this article, we will assist you with approaches to answer Introduce yourself’ and other Reliance industries interview questions.

Sample Reliance interview questions and answers

1) Tell me something about yourself.

Ans: This question must be answered in a clear and precise manner. In this question, you need to share a few things about yourself and your achievements. Basically, this question is where either you can make your first impression or ruin it. So you need not discuss every single certificate you have got throughout your life, but only those which are relevant to the job role and will help you stand out amongst other candidates.

Start with your academic qualifications, strengths, weaknesses and any other activity/ internship that will showcase your extra skills.

2) Why do you want to join Reliance industries?

Ans: Here you can discuss some of the company achievements and how you are inspired by the company. Further, you can discuss your eligibility and how suitable you are for the job role you have applied for.

3) How do you think you can contribute to the success of our company?

Ans: while answering this question you may discuss how the accomplishing of daily day targets help meets greater objective, and that is the manner by which you mean to push forward.

4) What do you know about the company’s recent products/services in the market?

Ans: The answer to this question has been clearly mentioned in the tips to crack reliance industries question segment of this article.

5) Why should we hire you?

Ans: Follow the link mentioned below and learn to answer this question from reliance industries interview questions in the most precise manner.

How to answer “Why should we hire you in an Interview?”

For more interview questions visit:

Most commonly asked questions in an HR Interview

reliance industries interview questions