EY Recruitment Process | EY Campus Recruitment for freshers – FACE Prep

EY Recruitment Process | EY Campus Recruitment for freshers – FACE Prep

This article will talk about the EY Recruitment Process for freshers, the stages, EY placement papers, test pattern, syllabus, and also discuss the previously asked EY interview Questions. To know EY Placement Paper Test Pattern, Syllabus and previously asked questions, see EY Placement Papers

EY Recruitment Process | EY Campus Recruitment for freshers

About the Company:

Before moving towards the EY recruitment process one must first go through the company introduction. E&Y is an abbreviate for Ernst & Young. It is a multinational professional services organization having its headquarters in London, England. The company was founded in 1989 through the merging of Ernst & Whinney and Arthur Young & Co. it used to be known as Ernst & young until the year 2013, in 2013 it went under rebranding and began to be called as EY. Visit their company website – Ernst & Young

EY operates as a network of member firms which are independent legal entities in individual nations. The company employs around 260,000 people in over 700 offices centered in more than 150 countries in the world. In India, EY operates from across 10 cities with a workforce of more than 6600 people and the prime area of focus includes Technology, Communication & Entertainment, Infrastructure, Industrial & Consumer, Financial Services and Government Advisory.

E&Y holds the record for being one of the largest professional services firm in the world. It is also one of the biggest four accounting firms having a revenue of 34.8 billion US$.

Industries for which E&Y hires:

Major firms undertaken by EY campus recruitment process are:

  • Assurance
  • Tax
  • Advisory
  • Transactions

The other service lines offered in the E&Y recruitment process are Actuarial, IT Risk and Assurance, Risk, and Performance Improvement, growth market, specialty services, consulting. This service line of EY organization shares revenue of 19% to the firm.

They incorporate Finance, Information Technology, Human Resources, Administrative Support, Marketing, Knowledge and Business Development.

EY Recruitment Process | EY Campus Recruitment for freshers

Eligibility criteria for EY Recruitment Processds

In order to appear for EY campus recruitment process, the applicants must fulfill the below-mentioned criteria.

  • Min 70% in 10th and 12th
  • 70% or above in graduation.
  • Year Gap of not more than 1 year is allowed in the EY campus recruitment process.
  • There should not be any backlogs
  • Students from CSE, IT, ECE & EE branch are eligible for EY recruitment process.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

EY Recruitment Process – Job Roles, CTC offered

Here is a detailed description for various job roles offered by the company in EY campus recruitment process.


EY Recruitment Process – Rounds

The main motto of the EY recruitment process is to pick perfect employees for the organization. E&Y like every other company has criteria that they set while choosing their employees. It specifically influences the general profitability of EY association. A correct determination may expand the general execution of an organization and a wrong one may prompt misfortune.

The EY Recruitment Process is divided into three sections:

EY Recruitment Process

Written test

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Verbal Ability
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Programming MCQs

Check the Test Pattern, Syllabus and previously asked questions in EY Placement Papers here

Group Discussion

Know the Dos and Dont’s of a Group Discussion

Technical and HR interview

Ernst & Young Interview Questions and Process – A Guideline

EY Off Campus Drive

Apart from the EY campus recruitment process, you can individually apply for EY recruitment process by just following a few simple steps.

  • The very first step for EY off-campus recruitment process is to check for all the available job vacancies.
  • Next, fill the online application form available on the company’s official website – E&Y – Careers – India. The form takes around 30 min to complete.
  • You can apply for more than one positions by filling separate application forms for each position.
  • If your application meets the eligibility criteria for the job role then the EY recruitment process team will invite for an interview.
  • The interview can either be conducted over the call or at one of the EY offices.
  • Note that in this round of EY recruitment process the interviewer may also conduct a written test prior to the interview

EY Off Campus Recruitment Process

The recruitment process for EY Off campus drive is mostly similar to the on campus recruitment. Click here to know the Test Pattern, Syllabus and Previously asked questions with solutions in E&Y. Group discussion may or may not happen – this depends on the number of candidates shortlisted and is decided by the recruiting authority on that same day. Each candidate goes through the following three rounds:

  • Written Test
  • Group Discussion
  • Technical and HR Interview

EY Recruitment Process | EY Campus Recruitment for freshers

EY Recruitment Process – Documents Required

  • 10/12th mark sheets
  • Graduation certificates
  • Min 2 copies of your latest resume
  • Printed Candidate Information Sheet
  • Two passport size photographs (recent)
  • Copies of your reference list
  • Certificates of extracurricular activities that might be helpful in the job
  • Original and copies of the photo identity proof

EY Recruitment Process | EY Campus Recruitment for freshers
