ABB Interview Questions and Process for Freshers – FACE Prep

ABB Interview Questions and Process for Freshers – FACE Prep

ABB interview questions are a must to know if you are attending the ABB campus drive. This will give you an idea of what questions were asked for various roles. In this article, one can find ABB interview questions, ABB interview process, questions from Data Structures, C output, and related to some other software and their answers along with tips to crack them.

ABB Interview Questions and Process for Freshers

Also, check the following articles on ABB:

ABB Recruitment Process

ABB Interview Process

ABB Interview Questions – Technical Round

Technical Interviews are held to judge a candidate’s technical subject strength. Most of the questions asked will be related to your graduation subjects and from your technical projects. Apart from these, the interview panel might also ask some questions which are out of the syllabus but are important to know, this is to check your interests out of your curriculum. You can revise some IT subjects here.

Here are some of the commonly asked technical interview questions in ABB hiring process:-

  • What advantages does DBMS have over traditional file systems?

Possible answer:There are several advantages of Database management system over the traditional file system. Few of them are as follows:

  1. No redundant data Redundancy removed by data normalization.
  2. Data Consistency and Integrity data normalization takes care of it too.
  3. Secure Each user has a different set of access.
  4. Improved data security.
  5. Increased end-user productivity.

  • What is cache memory? Can we increase its size as large as 40 GB?

Possible answer:Cache memory, also called CPU memory, is high-speed static random access memory (SRAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular random access memory (RAM). This memory is typically integrated directly into the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus interconnect with the CPU. No, it is not practically possible to increase cache memory’s size to 40 GB.

  • What are the advantages of using Distributed Processing?

Possible answer:Advantages of Distributed Processing are:-

  1. Security/ Encapsulation.
  2. Distributed database.
  3. Fast Problem-solving.
  4. Security through redundancy.
  5. Collaborative Processing

  • Why star delta starter is preferred to induction moto?

Possible answer:Star delta starter is preferred with induction motor due to the following reasons:

  1. Starting current is reduced 3-4 times of the direct current due to which voltage drops and hence it causes fewer losses.
  2. Star delta starter circuit comes in circuit first during starting of the motor, which reduces voltage 3 times, that is why current also reduces up to 3 times and hence less motor burning is caused.
  3. In addition, starting torque is increased and it prevents the damage of motor winding.

  • Why AC systems are preferred over DC systems?

Possible answer:Due to following reasons, AC systems are preferred over DC systems:

  1. It is easy to maintain and change the voltage of AC electricity for transmission and distribution.
  2. Plant cost for AC transmission (circuit breakers, transformers etc) is much lower than the equivalent DC transmission.
  3. From power stations, AC is produced so it is better to use AC then DC instead of converting it.
  4. When a large fault occurs in a network, it is easier to interrupt in an AC system, as the sine wave current will naturally tend to zero at some point making the current easier to interrupt.

  • What is the purpose of Slide Views?

Possible answer:Slide Sorter view displays all the slides in your presentation in horizontally sequenced, thumbnails. Slideshow view is helpful if you need to reorganize your slides you can just click and drag your slides to a new location, or add sections to organize your slides into meaningful groups.

ABB Interview Questions – HR Round

The round is to test your cultural fit. An HR employee with 10-15 years of work exp is generally expected to conduct the interview. ABB is very particular about ethics, safety & gender and until you are clear with these issues you can easily sail through this round. He may ask general questions about mobility, related to your life and your career and why you want to work with ABB which should be a breeze.This round basically evaluates the stability and confidence level of the candidate.

Here are some of the commonly asked HR interview questions in ABB recruitment process:-

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Are you ready to handle a team under pressure? How will you manage them?
  • What do you know about our competitors?
  • How do you plan to improve upon our product?
  • Give an example which describes that you are hard working.
  • What do you consider to be your best strength?
  • Will you be comfortable working as an individual contributor?
  • Why do you believe we should hire you?
  • Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

Tips to crack ABB Interview

Cracking the interview round of an organization is never a very easy task and that too for an organization such as ABB. Therefore it is very important that the candidates prepare well for the ABB Interview Questions. So, here we are giving you a few ABB Interview Preparation tips which can help you to crack the ABB Interview process of the organization.

  • Stay updated with the content which you have written in your resume. Interviewers also ask questions from your resume.
  • Prepare questions on subjects on which you are going to tell the interviewer you are interested in. The Interviewer will definitely ask questions on it.
  • Always try to answer in such a way that you will benefit the organization in all possible ways.
  • Try converting your weaknesses into strengths. If something goes wrong during the interview, turn it around positively and confidently. This shows the interviewer that you are self-motivated and can handle high-pressure situations.

Take help from these links to prepare for ABB Interview Questions,

Commonly asked java interview questions-set 1

Commonly asked java interview questions-set 2

Commonly asked java interview questions-set 3

Why should we hire you

6 commonly asked HR questions in an interview

ABB Interview Experience

Here, we are sharing one of the experiences of an interview in ABB from which you will get an idea of how the actual interview takes place in ABB.

Candidate Name: Prashant Singh

University: Amity University

Round 1:Online test was taken as the 1st round which consisted of both aptitude and technical questions. It’s an elimination round. Prepare well for it. Questions from aptitude topics, protection, power electronics, digital, machines were asked.

Round 2:Group discussion was taken as the 2nd round and our topic was Global Warming. We were asked to assume ourselves to be consultants who would be required to give some recommendations to the government regarding Global Warming i.e. measures to be taken to curb the present environmental scenario. We were given 5 minutes time for collecting our thoughts.

Round 3:The 3rd round we went through was the technical interview round. Thorough questions were asked from the technical point of view. It was expected as ABB is known as a technical company. The interviewer was showing deep interest in your resume and was scanning it very carefully. For me, almost each line of my resume was discussed. Training was considered very important by them so there was a lot of questions asked regarding it also. On an average technical round lasted for 1 hour for every candidate. This was the most crucial part as those who clear this round was allowed to appear in rest of the rounds till the end. Screening rate for this round was very low.

Round 4:Now, it was time for the final round that as always was an HR interview. After lunch, the HR round started. There was a case study on a business concept which was followed by a presentation for the same. For presentation, there were no PPTs but a white chart was given along with different colors to each candidate and everyone was asked to do it in a way that they want. This was followed by an HR interview which was almost 1.5 hours for each candidate. All the questions were asked about my personal life and they covered everything from my girlfriend to my college life. The only tip I can give you on this is, be very true as their questions are very well connected.

ABB Interview Questions and Process for Freshers
