Ensure you get Placed in upcoming drives!

Ensure you get Placed in upcoming drives!

Hi there,


As you might have noticed from the discussions on FACE Prep, the Placement season has not been going great. Most companies have increased the difficulty of rounds and many of you are confused regarding what to study, and from where. You are going to need more help to get placed this year.


FACE Prep is the digital arm of a bigger organization called FACE (Focus Academy for Career Enhancement), which some of you may know as face academy. And we would like you to know a bit more about it. Why? Because FACE can help you.


FACE has trainers who go to various colleges and provide hands on training for aptitude, technical and company drives for companies like TCS, Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, Capgemini, MindTree, IBM and other big names. FACE has helped more than 15 Lakh students get placed so far, and holds the record of being India’s largest and most loved Placement Training Company.


In all Colleges across India where FACE trains, atleast 40% more students get placed when compared to colleges which does not have FACE training. FACE trained students are more prepared for the question pattern, difficulty and types of questions asked by companies.


Ask any student here who is from a college where FACE has trained. They will rave about the kind of training they received, and the amount of questions from the training which got repeated.


We want you to benefit from FACE training, and from the guidance of our extremely able trainers. If you want FACE to come to your campus and train you, if you want to get placed, if you want your friends to get placed, talk to your training and placement officer or leave your name and college name in the comments below. We will contact the placement officer/anyone responsible for Placements.


If you want FACE training for you and your friends, you can also talk to us @7094463723. Increase your chances of getting placed now, before it’s too late.


Wishing you all the best.


– Your friends at FACE Prep
