we are going to discuss Capgemini’s most asked

we are going to discuss Capgemini’s most asked

In this article, we are going to discuss Capgemini’s most asked Interview questions in the Technical and HR rounds.

Capgemini Interview Questions

But before you get to the Interview round you will first have to qualify for the Assessment round. 

You will then have the opportunity to attempt the interview round provided that you have passed the assessment round.

This round is divided into two parts. They are:

  • Technical Interview
  • HR Interview

Capgemini Interview Questions | Technical

In this round, the interviewers mainly focus on 

  • Your technical Knowledge
  • Projects that are undertaken by you

The Capgemini Interview questions would first start with the basics and then there would be an increase in the level of difficulty. But do note that personal interview questions could also be asked in this round.

Capgemini Most Asked Technical Interview Questions:

Questions could be asked based on the subject you choose. Take the example where you are asked about your favourite subject.

And you reply by saying either of the subjects. Here are a few of Capgemini’s most-asked interview questions concerning each subject.

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Capgemini Interview Questions | DBMS

If DBMS happens to be your favourite subject then you may be asked to write SQL queries or you could be asked a few questions such as

1. What is the use of DBMS?

Ans 1. DBMS is also known as Database Management System. It is an application system wherein the main purpose is to revolve around data. This allows its user to store the data, define it, retrieve it and update the information about the data inside the database.

2. What do you mean by Database?

Ans 2. Simply put, Database refers collection of data in some organized way to facilitate its users to easily access, manage and upload the data.

3. Why is the use of DBMS recommended? Explain by listing any 4 of its major advantages.

Ans 3. Reducing Data Redundancy: DBMS supports a mechanism to reduce the data redundancy inside the database by integrating all the data into a single database and as data is stored in only one place, the duplicity of data does not happen.

Sharing Data: Sharing data among multiple users can be done simultaneously in DBMS as the same database will also be shared among all the users and by different application programs.

Data Integrity: This means that the data is always accurate and consistent in the database. It is very important as there are multiple databases in a DBMS and all of these databases contain data that happens to be visible to multiple users. So it is vital to ensure that the data is correct and consistent in all the databases and for all the users. 

Data Security: In data security, only authorised users are allowed to access the database and their identity should be authenticated using a valid username and password. Unauthorised users are not allowed to access the database under any circumstances as doing so violates the integrity constraints.

4. What is normalization needed in DBMS?

Ans 4. Normalization is the process of analyzing relational schemas which are based on their respective functional dependencies and the primary keys so that they fulfill certain properties.


  • To minimize data redundancy.
  • To minimize the anomalies of Insert, Delete and Update.

5. Explain the concepts of a Primary key and a Foreign Key.

Ans 5. The primary Key uniquely identifies the records in a database table while Foreign Key, on the other hand, is used to link two or more tables together.

Example: Consider 2 tables – Employee and Department. Both have one common field/column as ‘ID’ where ID is the primary key of the Employee table while this happens to be the foreign key for the Department table.

6. What is the biggest difference between UNION and UNION ALL?

Ans 6. They are both used to join the data from 2 or more tables but UNION removes duplicate rows and picks the rows which are distinct after combining the data from the tables whereas UNION ALL, unlike UNION, does not remove the duplicate rows, it just picks all the data from the tables.

7. Explain the concept of ACID properties in DBMS.

Ans 7. ACID properties are a combination of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability properties. These properties prove to be very helpful in allowing a safe and secure way of sharing data amongst multiple users.

Atomicity: When changes are being done to the data it feels as though a single operation is performed. In other words, either all the changes are performed, or none of them is performed.

Consistency: Data must be in a consistent state at the beginning of the transaction as well as the end of the transaction.

Isolation: As the name itself suggests, this ensures that each transaction that occurs is in isolation from others. Simply put a transaction that has started but not yet completed should be in isolation from others, this is done so that the other transaction does not get impacted by this transaction.

Durability: In the event of system failure, after the transaction is completed, changes to the data persist and are not undone. Hence, due to this property data is always in a durable state.

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Capgemini Interview Questions | Java

1. Explain JDK, JRE and JVM.


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2. Explain public static void main(String args[]) in Java.

Ans 2. main() in Java refers to the entry point for any Java program and is always written as the public static void main(String[] args).

public: Public is an access modifier. It is used to specify who can access this method. Public means that this Method could be accessed by any Class.

Static: Static is a keyword that identifies it as class-based. main() is made static in Java so that it can be accessed without creating the instance of a class but if main is not made static then the compiler will throw an error as main() which is then called by the JVM before any objects are made and only static methods can be directly invoked via the class. 

void: Void refers to the return type of the method and it defines the method which will not return any value.

main: It is the name of the method which is searched by JVM as a starting point for an application with a particular signature only and main is the method where the main execution occurs.

String args[]: This is the parameter that is passed to the main method.

3. Is Java platform-independent, if yes why?

Ans 3. Yes, Java is platform-independent. This is because for every operating system present a separate JVM is available which is capable to read the .class file or byte code.

But while JAVA is a platform-independent language, the JVM is platform-dependent. Different JVM is designed for different OS and the byte code is capable of running on different OS.

4. What are constructors in Java?

Ans 4. A constructor in Java refers to a block of code which is used to initialize an object and it must have the same name as that of the class. Also, a constructor does not have a return type and it is automatically called when an object is created.

There are two types of constructors in Java. They are :

Default Constructor: A default constructor does not take any inputs. In simple terms, default constructors are the no-argument constructors which will be created by default in case no other constructor is defined by the user. The main purpose of a default constructor is to initialize the instance variables with the default values. Also, it is majorly used for object creation. 

Parameterized Constructor: A parameterized constructor, unlike the default constructor, is capable of initializing the instance variables with the provided values. In other words, the constructors which take the arguments are called parameterized constructors.

5. What is the final keyword in Java?

Ans 5. final is a special keyword in Java and can be used as a non-access modifier. It could be used in different contexts. They are given below

the final variable: When the final keyword is used with a variable then its value can’t be changed and if you consider the case where no value has been assigned to the final variable then with the help of the class constructor a value can be assigned to it.

final method: A simple way to explain the final method is, when a method is declared final then it can’t be overridden by the inheriting class.

final class: When you declare a class as final, it can’t be extended by any subclass class but it can extend other classes.

6. What is Java String Pool?

Ans 6. It refers to a string collection that is stored in heap memory.

So, whenever a new object is created, the String pool first checks whether the object is already present in the pool or not and if it is present then the same reference is returned to the variable. 

Otherwise, a new object will be created in the String pool and the respective reference will be returned.

7. Why Java Strings are immutable in nature?

Ans 7. In Java, string objects are immutable in nature. 

This means that once the String object is created its state cannot be modified. So, if you do try to update the value of that object instead of updating the values of that particular object, Java creates a new string object. 

Java String objects happen to be immutable as String objects are generally cached in the String pool. 

As the String literals are usually shared between multiple clients, an action from one client might affect the rest. 

Doing so, it enhances the security, caching, synchronization, and performance of the application. 

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Capgemini Interview Questions | C Language

1. What are the different storage class specifiers in C?

Ans 1.

  • Auto
  • Register
  • Static
  • Extern

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2. What is the scope of a variable?

Ans 2. The scope of a variable refers to the part of the program where the variable may directly be accessible. Do note that in C, all identifiers are lexically (or statically) scoped.

3. What is a Dangling pointer?

Ans 3. A dangling Pointer could be defined as a pointer that doesn’t point to a valid memory location. 

Dangling pointers are created when an object is deleted or deallocated, without modifying the value of the pointer, so that the pointer still points to the memory location of the deallocated memory.

4. What is a NULL pointer?

Ans 4. A NULL pointer is often used to indicate that the pointer doesn’t point to a valid location.

In an ideal situation, we should initialize pointers as NULL if we are not aware of their value at the time of declaration. 

Also, a pointer must be made NULL when the memory pointed by it is deallocated in the middle of a program.

5. What are the local static variables? What is their use?

Ans 5. A local static variable could be defined as a variable whose life doesn’t end with a function call where it is declared. 

Local static variable extends for the lifetime of the complete program.

All calls related to the function do share the same copy of local static variables. 

They can be used to count the number of times a function is called.

Do note that initially, static variables get the default value is 0.

6. What are static functions? What is their use?

Ans 6. Functions happen to be global by default, in C. 

The static keyword before a function name makes the function static.

Access to static functions is restricted to the file where they are declared as compared to the global functions.

Therefore, to restrict access to functions, we make them static. 

By making functions static, they can reuse the same function name in other files. 

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Capgemini Interview Questions | Python 

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1. Why is Python needed?

Ans 1. Python is a general-purpose and high-level programming language and you could use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications.

It lets you focus on the core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks.

The code in Python is easily readable and maintainable.

It supports multiple programming paradigms

It happens to be compatible with major platforms and systems

Most importantly Python does have a very robust standard library

2. Where is it used in real life?

Ans 2. Python could be used in:

  • Game development
  • Web development
  • Language development
  • Operating systems
  • Image processing
  • Graphic design applications

3. What are the key features of Python?

Ans 3. Python is an interpreted language.

It is dynamically typed

Python functions happen to be first-class objects, in other words, they can be assigned to variables, returned from other functions, and passed into functions.

Writing the code in Python is quicker but running it is comparatively slower than in other languages

It could be used in many spheres of life, such as game development, web applications, automation, and more.

4. How is memory managed in Python?

Ans 4. The memory is managed by Python’s private heap space. All Python objects and data structures are located in a private heap but the programmer does not have access to this private heap. Instead, this is taken care of by the Python interpreter.

  • Python’s memory manager is responsible for the allocation of heap space for Python objects. The core API then gives access to a few tools for the programmer to code.
  • It also has an inbuilt garbage collector, as the name suggests this basically recycles all the unused memory and so that it can be made available to the heap space.

5. What are modules in Python?

Ans 5. Python modules are could be referred to as files containing Python code and this code could either be function classes or variables. Simply put, a Python module is a .py file containing executable code.

Given below are some of the commonly used built-in modules:

  • os
  • sys
  • math
  • random
  • data time
  • JSON

6. Explain the namespace in Python.

Ans 6. Variables are the names or identifiers that map to objects. Whereas the namespace is a dictionary of variable names that could also be referred to as keys and their corresponding objects or values.

A Python statement can access variables in a local as well as a global namespace. If a local and a global variable have the same name, then the local variable shadows the global variable.

7. What is a dictionary in Python?

Ans 7. A dictionary in Python is the built-in data type. 

A dictionary in Python defines a one-to-one relationship between keys and values. 

They usually do contain a pair of keys and their corresponding values and are indexed by keys.

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Capgemini Interview Questions – C++

1. Briefly explain the concept of Inheritance in C++.

Ans 1. When C++ allows classes to inherit some of the commonly used states and behaviour from other classes, it is known as inheritance.

2. Define C++.

Ans 2. C++ could be defined as a computer programming language that is a superset of C wherein additional features are made in the C language.

3. Can we call C++ OOPS? and Why?

Ans 3. Yes, we can call C++ as OOPS. Object-Oriented Programming System means that it provides an application of various concepts including data binding, polymorphism, inheritance, and various others.

4. What is the function of the keyword “Volatile”?

Ans 4. Volatile is a function that is used to declare whether the particular variable is volatile and thereby directs the compiler to change the variable externally. 

This way helps in avoiding compiler optimization on the variable reference.

5. Define storage class in C++. Name some.

Ans 5. A storage class in C++ specifically resembles that of life or even the scope of symbols, including the variables, functions, etc.

 Some of the storage classes in C++ are mutable, auto, static, extern, register, etc.

6. Explain ‘this’ pointer.

Ans 6. The ‘this’ pointer could be referred to as a constant pointer that holds the memory address of the current object. 

It passed off as a hidden argument to all the nonstatic member function calls and is available as a local variable within the body of all the nonstatic functions.

The static member functions can be called even without any object, i.e. with the class name, which is why the ‘this’ pointer is not available for them.

7. Why do we need the Friend class and function?

Ans 7. At times there is a need for allowing a particular class to access private or protected members of a class and to do so we make use of a friend class, that is capable of accessing the protected as well as the private members of the class in which it is declared as a friend.

A friend function, on the other hand, can access private and protected class members. It could either be a global function or a method of some class.

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Capgemini Interview Questions | Project Related

Given below are a few questions that could be asked based on the projects undertaken by you along with a few pointers that you could keep in mind while answering the questions.

1. What is your project about?
