HCL off campus drive (TNSLPP) exclusively for 2018 passing out students!
rnOver the past two months, Anna University has been conducting many off-campus drives for freshers to help its students get placed. It is now organizing a TNSLPP (Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme) for the present final year students who belong to University Colleges and Affiliated Engineering Colleges of Anna University, Tamil Nadu under Chennai/Coimbatore or Madurai zones.
rnHCL is participating in this drive and it is happening on 12th & 13th, 15th & 16th, 17th & 18th March 2018 for Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore zones respectively. Hurry up and register!
rnThis is a great opportunity for the 2018 batch students.
rnHere is what you should know about the HCL-TNSLPP drive:
rnThe colleges who had already participated in any form of recruitment drives of HCL for the current academic year are also permitted to participate now in the TNSLPP drive. The students who are already placed (in any company) through on-campus/TNSLPP-2018 placement are also NOT permitted to attend this HCL Drive under TNSLPP.
rnAll the eligible candidates have to pay an ONE TIME Registration fee of Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven hundred and fifty only) mandatorily in the form of Demand draft drawn in favor of “ The Director, CUIC, Anna University” payable at Chennai and can attend any subsequent drives by bringing their CUIC – TNSLPP – Admit Card, without fail.
rnStudents who have already registered and obtained the admit card can also participate by producing the admit card in the respective venues.
rnClick here to read more about the drive.
rnAll the best!