Top Networking Tips for Job Seekers

Top Networking Tips for Job Seekers

Networking Rules for Job-Seekers


Did you think that merely sending out a resume is enough for you to land a job? Well, we are here to tell you that if you want that dream job, you will need to start working on your networking skills. This is because these days networking has a bigger role to play in your chances of landing a great job. So, keep reading to know more about the networking rules for job-seekers!


Recruiters receive countless resumes regularly. Thus, it is important to think out of the box when it comes to applying for jobs. Instead of going the traditional way by sending out at an email with a cover letter and a resume attached, look up the company on social media and locate people who work there. This is where your networking skills come to play.


Here are the best networking tips for Job Seekers



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    Search for the company online

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The Internet is your friend. So, make use of it. Search for the company on LinkedIn. Find out who works there. Add those connections. Start a conversation by saying that you would like to be referred for a certain position at the company they are working in. Let them know that you would like to meet them for coffee, so that you can explain how you could benefit the company, etc. You should also remember to come off as friendly and vibrant. Don’t be brisk and make them feel like you’re just using them for the job opportunities. Networking is all about building and maintaining connections.

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    Look closely at the contacts you already have

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Talk to your contacts and find out if any of them are working at the company you want to apply to. This will increase your chances of getting called for an interview as they can personally vouch for your skills. If they do not work at the company of your choice, then ask them if they have contacts who work there. You will be surprised to know the number of people who have got job interview opportunities through contacts they had already.

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    Meet your professors/ previous bosses and ask for recommendations

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Meet with your professors, bosses of companies you’ve interned at, etc., and tell them about your future plans. Tell them how you’re planning on applying to certain companies. Ask them if they will be comfortable providing recommendations for you if contacted by the company you’re applying to. This will give you more weight in being able to land a job interview at the company as there are people to provides basis to the claims you make about yourself.

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    Make sure you show your connections that you are grateful

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You should make it a point to send out thank you notes to all your connections, irrespective of whether they helped you out or not. If you approached them for job referrals or contacts and they declined, you should still send out thank you notes. You never know how things play out in the future. Stay grateful and positive. This keeps the networking channel open and welcoming.

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    Create a contacts sheet

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Maintain an excel sheet with all of your contacts’ names, numbers, locations, etc. This will make the process of networking easier as it is all stored in one place. You can also update it accordingly. Keep a track of the people you have spoken to, all the progress you have made, etc. This will create an efficient networking system. There is no point in networking if you don’t keep a tab on all the progress you have made.


Networking with the right people is said to improve your chances of getting called for an interview by 5 to 10 times. This should give you a deeper understanding of the importance of networking. As competition is increasing every day, you will need to make sure you stand out and bag the opportunities you so rightly deserve. Thus, follow the steps listed above and become Gods and Goddesses of Networking. Good luck!
