Sentence completion questions test the test-taker’s capability in the domains of verbal ability, reasoning, and usage. These questions measure how skilled an individual is in determining the flow of thought, applying the elements of grammar and using appropriate words for the given context.
The common sentence completion question types include:
The first two types are single sentences with single or double blanks to be filled respectively. In the case of paired blanks, there are two words in each option and both should fit into the theme of the sentence. A cloze test requires the test taker to fill in multiple blanks in an entire paragraph.
Before looking at the choices, take a look at the sentence and think of (a) word/words that can complete the sentence. This helps in understanding what the sentence is about, to a certain extent.
Look at all the possible choices before deciding upon a final answer. In double-blank sentences, try filling in one of the blanks and eliminate the answer choices based on that.
Signal words can play a key role in identifying the right choice. These can include
Single Blank Example
Double Blanks Example
Cloze test example

1. The ___(i)___ of rabbits as pets has increased immensely over the last few years. Their value as companion animals has ___(ii)___ for several reasons. Rabbits make relatively few demands on an individual’s or a family’s lifestyle. They are quiet and peaceful animals by nature. They do not bark, they do not disturb neighbors, and they easily get along with other small pets if introduced with care. Their exercise ___(iii)___ are few and they respond beautifully to attention and affection if they are handled frequently with gentleness and love. Rabbits are very intelligent, and can be ___(iv)___ very easily. In general, rabbits are ___(v)___ and gentle creatures who will fill your world with more love and joy than you could ever imagine.
(i) (a) fame (b) capabilities (c) popularity (d) incompatibility
(ii) (a) burgeoned (b) waned (c) depreciated (d) descended
(iii) (a) patterns (b) requirements (c) covenant (d) preparation
(iv) (a) habituated (b) subdued (c) reclaimed (d) house-trained
(v) (a) vicious (b) determined (c) docile (d) uncultivated
Solutions: (i) c (ii) a (iii) b (iv) d (v) c
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