TCS NQT Question Paper & Solutions of Latest TCS NQT Exam | faceprep

TCS NQT Question Paper & Solutions of Latest TCS NQT Exam | faceprep

In this article, we will be discussing the TCS NQT question paper & solutions of TCS NQT exam conducted for 2019 batch on 16th June 2019. Also, you will get an idea of the TCS NQT question paper difficulty and pattern.




TCS NQT Question Paper Pattern


The test pattern of TCS NQT which happened on 16th June 2019 is as follows. TCS NQT pattern might not be the same every year. So, in case you are attempting TCS NQT this year, make sure you check the pattern here – click here to know the latest TCS NQT question paper pattern you need to know.


Section 1: English 

  • English section of TCS NQT question paper had 10 questions to be solved in 10 minutes.
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  • Earlier the English section used to have only cloze test questions. But in this exam, the English section consisted of questions on
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  1. Cloze passage
  2. rn
  3. Sentence completion
  4. rn
  5. Direct, indirect speech
  6. rn
  7. Para jumbles
  8. rn
  • In all the previous mock tests & TCS NQT exams, English section had negative marking. But in this test, there was no negative marking for this section.
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Section 2: Quantitative Aptitude

  • The quantitative aptitude section of TCS NQT question paper had 20 questions to be solved in 40 minutes. 15 standard and 5 advanced aptitude questions. 
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  • This section had a negative marking of 2 for standard questions and 3 for advanced questions
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  • Repeated topics include Time and Work, Averages, Probability, Permutation and Combination, Train based problems on Time, Speed Distance, Ages.
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  • In all the previous mock tests & TCS NQT exams, an on-screen calculator was available for this section. But this time, there was no on-screen calculator.
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  • Quantitative Aptitude questions were similar to those taught in Faceprep course. 
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Section 3: Programming Logic

  • The programming logic section of TCS NQT question paper had 10 questions that had to be solved in 20 minutes. 7 standard and 3 advanced questions.
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  • This section also had negative marking. Negative marking of 1 for standard and 2 for advanced programming logic questions.
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  • Lots of questions in the TCS NQT question paper were on arrays and pointers.
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Section 3: Coding

  • The coding section consisted of 1 question to be coded in 20 minutes of time. 
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  • There were 3 public and 1 or 2 private test cases for each question.
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  • Questions asked were relatively easy and similar to questions on this page – TCS NQT Coding Questions & Solutions
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TCS NQT Question Paper & Solutions


A lot of students who attended this test have contributed some of the questions that they remember after the exam. So check out the comments section to know them.


tcs nqt question pqper
