Get details about Syntel Off Campus Drive here along with Syntel off-campus recruitment process, how to go about Syntel registration for freshers, requirements for Syntel off-campus recruitment in this article.
Before applying for the Syntel Recruitment Process, the aspirants should make sure they clear all the Syntel Eligibility Criteria. Syntel Careers have mentioned the following as a criterion for a candidate must clear before applying for Syntel Recruitment Process:
Candidates who have attended Syntel Recruitment or interview before 6 months cant apply.
Following are the rounds in the Syntel Off-Campus drive, Syntel walk-ins, and Syntel Recruitment Process.
Syntel’s Recruitment Process consists mainly of 4 rounds:
Let’s visit each round in detail,
Online round often consists mainly of three sections namely, General Aptitude, logical, and verbal sections. To be prepared for aptitude section you can practice from these resources:
Aptipedia Knowledgebase for Revision
Aptipedia TestGym for Practice
The student who clears the previous rounds is called for a GD or JAM. This round is mainly to check your communication and presentation skills. Syntel will offer a case study of any problem faced by the organization or any topic of global/national importance. Get some tips on winning a GD.
To solve technical problems, you must be prepared with operating systems, computer networks, and the database. Students will write codes during the interview. You should also be prepared with your resume. Puzzles preparation may be required in this part.