Syntel Interview Questions | Syntel Interview Process – FACE Prep

Syntel Interview Questions | Syntel Interview Process – FACE Prep

This article will focus on Syntel Interview Process and also discuss some of Syntel Interview Questions. The Syntel Recruitment Process for freshers starts with a written round designed to test a candidates mathematical aptitude and English proficiency.

syntel interview questions

A candidate can easily clear this round of the Syntel Recruitment Process if he/she is in touch with the fundamentals and basics of their high school Mathematics and English subjects. Also, it is important that the candidate is comfortable with the online computerized format of giving tests. For this, one must regularly give Mock Tests.

Check Syntel Test Pattern here

If you are able to score above the cut-off marks in the Syntel Written Test, you will be notified through email or call on the next stage is the Syntel Interview Question Process. In case you don’t receive any update, it is advisable to contact your placement head or follow up via email or call.

Syntel Interview Process

The Syntel Interview Rounds is the last stage of the Syntel Placement Process and is the final and deciding round for a candidate to convince the company of his/her employability skills. Syntel fresher interview process for freshers generally combines both rounds i.e Technical and HR in just one interview. Make sure you give a good professional impression in this round.

How to prepare for Syntel Interview Questions – Technical Round

This is the first round of Syntel Interview Questions Process. There is no hard and fast rule for what question will be asked in this round. You can expect any question as this depends entirely on the panel. We can give some insights on what to prepare:

  • For Computer Science students, be prepared with Data Structure, Algorithms, DBMS, Operating System, Networking, OOPs concepts and a programming language of your choice.
  • For other branch students, be prepared with at least 2 subjects from your branch.
  • Your Resume, for the panel, is the most relevant data about you. Make sure you are aware of whatever you write on the resume as the panel will ask questions from that.
  • The panel will also ask about your final year project (if any). Hence, it is important to be thoroughly aware of the same.

Commonly asked JAVA interview questions Set 1

Commonly asked JAVA interview questions Set 2

Commonly asked JAVA interview questions Set 3

How to prepare for Syntel Interview Questions – HR Round

After the panel is done with asking Technical Question, the focus will shift on talking about your career plans and milestones, known as the IBM Interview process HR Round. Many questions are common here.

Check here for the most common HR questions.

Commonly asked stress interview questions

Syntel Interview Questions and Candidate-Experiences

Candidate Name: Umair

Status: Selected

The results of the online test were announced via email. The shortlisted candidates had to collect in the college’s auditorium at 7 am the next day. A lot of my friends got shortlisted for the interview round. All of us had prepared for some of the previously asked Syntel interview questions from placement websites. But, even after that, we all were really nervous.

I reported at 7 am sharp but seeing the huge crowd, i was convinced that this will take time. My turn finally came around 10:20 am and i was directed to the technical panel. I was ready with my resume and entered the room confidently trying not to look nervous. I shook hands with the panel and they advised me to take a seat. they asked for my resume and i handed it to them. They took a long look at my resume creating an awkward silence. In that moment, I could honestly hear my heart pounding. Then one of the interviewers started to speak, he asked me about my technical interests and why i chose engineering. I told him i have always liked science and have always been fascinated with circuits and how electricity works. To this, he asked me a question about how the mobile screen touch works. I had read about the capacitative function of the screen, i told them the same trying to add some more points from my side. The panel gave me a look which i could not understand then they proceeded to the next question. This time they asked me some subject related questions like:

  • What is a two-pass assembler?
  • State two differences between C and Java
  • Write a program to find whether a given number is prime or not.
  • Will you be comfortable working in analysis and testing?

With these, they asked me to proceed to the next round i.e the HR round.

I waited for almost an hour before being called for the HR. There was just one Hr this time. After a basic introduction, these are the questions he asked me:

  • How was your Technical Interview? Do you think you performed well?
  • Tell me about your friends
  • Why do you want to join Syntel?
  • State your short term and long term goals
  • What will you do if you have an altercation with a superior?
  • Do you have any plans for higher studies?

syntel interview questions
