Understanding Standard Operator Functions in Python

Understanding Standard Operator Functions in Python

Standard Operator Functions in Python

Python provides a variety of inbuilt operators like arithmetic, bitwise, logical, relational, and assignment operators that make it easier to perform common mathematical and logical tasks. However, Python also offers an alternative way of working with these operators—through operator functions from the operator module. These functions can serve as substitutes for the traditional operators, allowing for enhanced functionality and flexibility in your Python code.In this article, we will explore the operator functions in Python, how to use them, and provide practical examples to illustrate their applications.

What Are Python Operator Functions?

 Python’s operator module provides functions that correspond to the built-in operators. For example, the mul() function in the operator module is equivalent to the * multiplication operator. These operator functions allow you to perform mathematical, logical, and relational operations just like their symbolic counterparts. However, they can be useful in situations where you prefer to use functions instead of operators or when working with higher-order functions like map() or filter().Before using the operator functions, you’ll need to import the operator module:
from operator import *

1. Arithmetic Operator Functions in Python

Arithmetic operations are the foundation of most programming tasks, and Python offers a set of operator functions that mirror the built-in arithmetic operators. Here’s a quick look at some of the arithmetic operator functions:
Operator FunctionDescriptionExample
add(a, b)Adds two operandsadd(3, 5)8
sub(a, b)Subtracts the second operand from the firstsub(8, 3)5
mul(a, b)Multiplies two operandsmul(3, 5)15
truediv(a, b)Divides the first operand by the second (true division)truediv(10, 2)5.0
floordiv(a, b)Performs floor divisionfloordiv(10, 3)3
mod(a, b)Returns the remainder of divisionmod(10, 3)1
pow(a, b)Returns a raised to the power of bpow(2, 3)8

Example Usage:

from operator import * num1 = 40 num2 = 20# Using arithmetic operator functions print(add(num1, num2)) # Output: 60 print(sub(num1, num2)) # Output: 20 print(mul(num1, num2)) # Output: 800 print(truediv(num1, num2)) # Output: 2.0 print(floordiv(num1, num2)) # Output: 2 print(mod(num1, num2)) # Output: 0 print(pow(num1, num2)) # Output: 109951162777600000000000000000000

2. Relational Operator Functions in Python

Relational operators are used to compare two values. Python provides the following relational operator functions:
Operator FunctionDescriptionExample
lt(a, b)Checks if a is less than blt(3, 5)True
le(a, b)Checks if a is less than or equal to ble(3, 5)True
gt(a, b)Checks if a is greater than bgt(5, 3)True
ge(a, b)Checks if a is greater than or equal to bge(5, 5)True
eq(a, b)Checks if a is equal to beq(5, 5)True
ne(a, b)Checks if a is not equal to bne(5, 3)True

Example Usage:

from operator import * num1 = 40 num2 = 20# Using relational operator functions print(lt(num1, num2)) # Output: False print(le(num1, num2)) # Output: False print(gt(num1, num2)) # Output: True print(ge(num1, num2)) # Output: True print(eq(num1, num2)) # Output: False print(ne(num1, num2)) # Output: True

3. Bitwise Operator Functions in Python

Python also provides bitwise operations like AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. These operations can be done using the corresponding operator functions in the operator module.
Operator FunctionDescriptionExample
and_(a, b)Performs bitwise AND operationand_(3, 4)0
or_(a, b)Performs bitwise OR operationor_(3, 4)7
xor(a, b)Performs bitwise XOR operationxor(3, 4)7
invert(a)Performs bitwise NOT operationinvert(3)-4

Example Usage:

from operator import * num1 = 3 num2 = 4# Using bitwise operator functions print(and_(num1, num2)) # Output: 0 print(or_(num1, num2)) # Output: 7 print(xor(num1, num2)) # Output: 7 print(invert(num1)) # Output: -4

4. Object-Related Operator Functions

Python also provides functions for operations related to objects like lists, tuples, and strings. These functions can be used to access, update, or manipulate elements in a data structure.

Common Object-Related Functions:

  • setitem(object, position, value): Updates a specific value at a given position in a list.
  • delitem(object, position): Deletes an item from a list at a given position.
  • getitem(object, position): Retrieves a value from a specified position.
  • concat(object1, object2): Concatenates two objects (e.g., lists or strings).
  • contains(object, value): Checks if a value is present in an object.

Example Usage:

from operator import *# Example list list1 = [20, 30.67, “Python”]# setitem: Update value at position 1 setitem(list1, 1, 50) print(list1) # Output: [20, 50, ‘Python’]# delitem: Delete item at position 1 delitem(list1, 1) print(list1) # Output: [20, ‘Python’]# getitem: Get value at position 2 print(getitem(list1, 2)) # Output: ‘Python’# concat: Concatenate two lists list2 = [40, 50.98, “Java”] print(concat(list1, list2)) # Output: [20, ‘Python’, 40, 50.98, ‘Java’]# contains: Check if “Python” is in the list print(contains(list1, “Python”)) # Output: True


Python’s operator module offers a range of operator functions that can make your code more versatile and clean, especially when working with higher-order functions. By using functions like add(), sub(), mul(), and_(), and others, you can perform arithmetic, bitwise, and relational operations just as easily as with their operator counterparts. These functions also provide additional flexibility, making them ideal for dynamic operations on data structures.Click here to know more our program!