Scope of Variables in Python | Global & Local Variables

Scope of Variables in Python | Global & Local Variables

Scope of Variables in Python | Global & Local Variables

Variables are essential to any programming language, but understanding where and how they can be used—also known as their scope—is equally important. In Python, a variable’s scope determines where in your program the variable is accessible. In this article, we’ll explore the two main types of variable scope in Python—local and global—with examples and solutions to common questions.

What is Variable Scope in Python?

In Python, the scope of a variable refers to the portion of the program where the variable can be accessed. While variables can be used multiple times in a program, their accessibility depends on where they are declared. Python supports two types of variable scope:
  1. Local Scope: Limited to a specific function.
  2. Global Scope: Accessible throughout the program.
Let’s break down each type with practical examples.

Local Variables in Python

A local variable is defined inside a function and can only be accessed within that function. These variables are temporary and exist only while the function is running. Once the function ends, the local variable is destroyed.

Example 1: Using a Local Variable

# Function starts here def greet(): message = "Learning Python on FACE Prep" print(message) # Function ends heregreet() # Function is called
Learning Python on FACE Prep
Here, the variable message is declared inside the greet function. It is accessible only within the function and works perfectly when the function is called.

Example 2: Trying to Access a Local Variable Outside Its Function

def greet(): message = "Learning Python on FACE Prep" print(message)greet() # Function is called print(message) # Trying to access ‘message’ outside the function
Learning Python on FACE Prep NameError: name 'message' is not defined
Explanation: Since message is a local variable, it cannot be accessed outside the greet function. Doing so results in a NameError.

How Can I Access a Local Variable Outside Its Function?

To make a local variable accessible outside its function, you can declare it as a global variable. Let’s explore global variables next.

Global Variables in Python

A global variable is declared outside any function and is accessible throughout the program, including within functions. Global variables are ideal for data that needs to be shared across multiple parts of your code.

Example: Using a Global Variable

# Declare global variable message = "Learning Python on FACE Prep"def greet(): print(message)greet() # Function is called
Learning Python on FACE Prep
Explanation: The variable message is declared globally, so it can be accessed both inside and outside the greet function.

How to Make a Local Variable Global in Python

If you want to turn a local variable into a global one, you can use the global keyword. This explicitly declares a variable as global, allowing it to be accessed outside the function.

Example: Converting a Local Variable to a Global Variable

def greet(): global message # Declare local variable as global message = "Learning Python on FACE Prep" print(message)greet() # Function is called print(message) # Accessing ‘message’ outside the function
Learning Python on FACE Prep Learning Python on FACE Prep
Explanation: The global keyword ensures that the variable message is accessible outside the greet function.

Can Local and Global Variables Have the Same Name?

Yes, you can use the same name for both local and global variables. However, their behavior depends on whether the local variable is declared as global.

Case 1: Local Variable Not Declared Global

def greet(): message = "I love Python" # Local variable print(message)message = “Learning Python on FACE Prep” # Global variable greet() # Function is called print(message) # Access global variable
I love Python Learning Python on FACE Prep
Explanation: Here, the local variable message inside the greet function does not affect the global variable message. They exist independently within their respective scopes.

Case 2: Local Variable Declared Global

def greet(): global message # Declare local variable as global message = "I love Python" print(message)greet() # Function is called print(message) # Access global variable
I love Python I love Python
Explanation: The global keyword makes the local variable message overwrite the global variable. As a result, the global variable’s value is updated.

Key Takeaways

  1. Local Variables: Limited to the function in which they are declared.
  2. Global Variables: Accessible throughout the program.
  3. The global Keyword: Converts a local variable into a global one.
  4. Same Variable Name: Local and global variables can share the same name, but they exist in separate scopes unless explicitly linked using global.

FAQs on Variable Scope in Python

1. What happens if I don’t use the global keyword?

Without the global keyword, changes made to a variable inside a function only apply locally and won’t affect the global variable.

2. Are global variables bad practice?

Overusing global variables can make your code harder to debug and maintain. Use them sparingly and prefer local variables when possible.

3. Can a function modify a global variable?

Yes, but only if the variable is explicitly declared global using the global keyword inside the function.


Understanding the scope of variables in Python is essential for managing data flow and avoiding errors in your programs. Global variables are accessible throughout the entire program, while local variables are confined to the function or block where they are defined. Properly using global and local variables helps maintain clean, efficient code and avoids unintended side effects. By mastering variable scope, you can ensure better control over your program’s behavior and improve the readability and maintainability of your code.