Remove duplicates from a linked list (sorted and unsorted linked list) | faceprep

Remove duplicates from a linked list (sorted and unsorted linked list) | faceprep

A program to remove duplicates from a linked list (sorted and unsorted linked list) is discussed here. Given a linked list, print the linked list and remove duplicate elements from it.

Remove duplicates from a linked list (sorted and unsorted linked list)

Remove duplicates from a sorted linked list

Input: 1 -> 2 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 5

Output: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5

Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list

Input: 7 -> 7 -> 19 -> 11 -> 9 -> 11

Output: 7 -> 19 -> 11 -> 9

Algorithm to remove duplicates from a linked list (sorted)

  • Input the number of elements of the linked list.
  • Input the elements of the linked list in sorted order.
  • Traverse from the head of the sorted linked list.
  • While traversing, compare the current node with the next node.
  • If the data of the next node is the same as the current node then delete the next node.

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Program to remove duplicates from a sorted linked list


Algorithm to remove duplicates from a linked list (unsorted)

  • Input the number of elements of the linked list.
  • Input the elements of the linked list.
  • Use two loops, one for traversing the linked list and the other loop to check if the current element is already present in the list.

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Program to remove duplicate elements from an unsorted linked list


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