Python Built-In Modules | FACE Prep

Python Built-In Modules | FACE Prep

Understanding Python Built-In Modules: Simplifying Programming

Python built-in modules are an essential feature of the language, providing a vast collection of pre-written code that you can easily incorporate into your own projects. By simply importing these modules, you can perform a wide variety of tasks without having to write all the code from scratch.In this article, we’ll explore what Python built-in modules are, why they are important, and walk through some examples to demonstrate their power.

What Are Python Built-In Modules?

Python Built-In ModulesPython comes with a rich set of built-in modules, which are essentially pre-written Python files containing functions, classes, and variables designed to carry out common tasks. These modules are integrated with the Python interpreter and can be imported directly into your programs.By utilizing these built-in modules, you can save time, improve code efficiency, and avoid reinventing the wheel. Modules are written in C and integrated directly into Python, making them both fast and versatile.

Why Use Python Built-In Modules?

Python built-in modules simplify your programming experience by offering ready-made solutions for common tasks. Here are a few reasons why they’re invaluable:
  1. Time-Saving: Instead of writing functions from scratch, you can simply import a module and use its pre-defined functions.
  2. Efficiency: Built-in modules are optimized for performance, reducing the chances of errors.
  3. Readability: Python’s built-in modules are well-documented, making them easy to use and understand.
Let’s illustrate this with a simple example of comparing two numbers. Instead of writing custom code, we can use Python’s operator module to compare values.

Example: Using the Operator Module

The operator module in Python contains many efficient, functional-style operations that can perform basic arithmetic, comparisons, and more. Here’s how we can use it to compare two numbers.

Without Using Built-In Modules:

First, let’s create a simple function to compare two numbers:
# def equal(a, b): if a == b: return True
In your main program (, you would import this custom function and use it:
# from equal import * a, b = 10, 10 print(equal(a, b)) # Output: True

With the Built-In Operator Module:

Instead of writing our own code, we can use Python’s built-in operator module to check if two numbers are equal:
# from operator import * a, b = 10, 10 print(eq(a, b)) # Output: True
This approach is more efficient, as Python’s operator module is pre-optimized and offers many other useful functions like multiplication, addition, and comparisons.

Popular Python Built-In Modules

Python has a wide range of built-in modules. You can view a full list by running the command help('modules') in Python’s interactive shell. Below, we’ll explore some of the most commonly used built-in modules, demonstrating how they simplify various tasks.

1. The Operator Module

The operator module includes functions that implement basic operations like addition, subtraction, and comparisons. It’s great for functional programming styles. Here’s an example:
from operator import * a, b = 10, 20 print(mul(a, b)) # Output: 200 print(gt(a, b)) # Output: False print(mod(a, b)) # Output: 10 print(concat("FACE", "Prep")) # Output: FACEPrep

2. The Decimal Module

For tasks requiring high precision, such as financial calculations, the decimal module is perfect. Here’s an example:
from decimal import * a, b = 10, 3 c = a / b print(c) # Output: 3.3333333333333335 print(Decimal(c)) # Output: 3.333333333333333481363069950020872056484222412109375

3. The Random Module

For generating random numbers or selecting random items from a list, the random module is very useful:
from random import * print(randint(10, 20)) # Output: Random number between 10 and 20 print(choice([30, 23, 45, 16, 89, 56])) # Output: Random element from the list print(uniform(10, 20)) # Output: Random float between 10 and 20

4. The String Module

The string module contains various constants and utility functions to handle strings. Here’s an example:
from string import * print(capwords("fACE prep")) # Output: FACE Prep print(ascii_letters) # Output: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

5. The Math Module

For advanced mathematical operations like square roots or factorials, the math module is indispensable:
from math import * print(sqrt(16)) # Output: 4.0 print(factorial(5)) # Output: 120

How to Explore Python Built-In Modules

You can explore the full range of built-in modules by using the Python help() function. Just type help('modules') in the Python interpreter, and you will get a comprehensive list of all available modules.For example:
help('modules') # View the list of all built-in modules


Python’s built-in modules are a game-changer for developers. By taking advantage of these pre-written tools, you can perform complex operations efficiently and effectively without reinventing the wheel. Whether you’re working with numbers, strings, or random values, there’s a built-in module to help you out.Instead of writing your own functions for common tasks, always check Python’s extensive library of modules. They save time, increase productivity, and keep your code clean. Python Built-In Modules