IBM Test Pattern for IBM Online Written Test 2018 | FACE Prep

IBM Test Pattern for IBM Online Written Test 2018 | FACE Prep

In this article, you can find the latest IBM Test Pattern and also practice previous IBM Test Papers. IBM Test is conducted for two types of units, namely:

IBM Test Pattern for IBM Online Written Test

  • IBM GTS – IBMGlobal Technology Services is mostly infrastructure and administration unit of IBM. Candidates interested in solving problems, administration or infrastructure in real time should get into GTS.
  • IBM GBS – IBM Global Business Services is mostly development unit of IBM. Candidates who have done B.Tech or are interested in coding and development of new applications, services or tools should get into GBS.

IBM Test Pattern is different for GBS and GTS unit. Employees in IBM can generally make a switch between GTS and GBS after sending a significant time in the company.


IBM Test Pattern – GBS

After applying, the candidate undergoes 3 rounds of IBM recruitment Process:

  1. Written Test
  2. Technical Interview
  3. HR Interview

IBM Test Pattern for IBM Online Written Test

The table below shows the IBM Test Pattern for Online Written Test in detail.


There may be an additional round i.e. Group Discussion, after online aptitude and English Exam which depends on the number of candidates appearing for written test in the campus selection.

IBM Online Written Test

This round is the aptitude round designed for candidates to check their mathematical capabilities and English verbal and communication proficiency. Get in-depth information about the Written Round. There are 3 components of this test:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude
  2. Number Series
  3. Business Communication Test – English assessment
  • Number series & Quantitative Ability Section consists of 18 questions each based on topics like series, algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, probability, permutation & combination, profit & loss, HCF, LCM, geometry, etc. This section is of moderate level. Practice Number series & Quantitative Ability Section here.
  • Verbal English Section consists of short reading comprehension passages, basic grammar usage questions like fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, paragraph completion, sentence correction, vocabulary, sentence ordering etc. There is also a question on Email Writing. Check the complete syllabus here. Practice Verbal English Section

Check the IBM Written Test Syllabus here

  • In these sections, each question has a time limit of 2.15 minutes. If you fail to answer a question within this time limit, then the next question gets displayed on the screen automatically.
  • Verbal Ability section does not have any time limit for each question
  • The total time allotted to the written exam is 100 minutes.
  • There is no negative marking in the paper
  • Overall the level of the paper is moderate to difficult
  • An on-screen calculator is available during the exam.

IBM Written Test Sectional Cut-Off

In order to clear this written test conducted by IBM, it is important that you attempt a certain number of questions correctly with high accuracy. This will make sure that you are able to gain an edge over the competition. For each section, you must aim to solve at least 10-12 questions. So, even if you get 5-7 questions correct, this will ensure that you clear your sectional cut-off. Your strategy should be to go through all the questions first, identify the easiest ones and solve them first. Then, if time permits, you can try solving the harder ones to increase your overall score. Since the IBM written test has no negative marking, it becomes safe for you to attempt as many questions as possible.[table id=49 /]After clearing this round, you will be called for further IBM Interview Process. IBM might also conduct a Group Discussion which will solely depend if the number of students is enough to conduct the same.

IBM Test Pattern for IBM Online Written Test

IBM Test Pattern – GTS

After applying, the candidate undergoes 3 rounds of IBM recruitment Process:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude
  2. Work Style Personality Test
  3. Technical cum and HR Interview


Work Style Personality Test

The work style Personality Test is an overarching assessment of someone’s work personality – your ability to work with others, your attitude, and your work ethic, among other traits. This test will be using adjectives and short, descriptive sentences. Reach each question carefully and indicate to what degree the word or sentence describes you. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer as honestly as possible.

IBM Technical and HR Interview

After clearing the IBM Written Test, the candidates might be called for a Group Discussion depending on the number of selected students. Following the Group Discussion, there will be a Technical cum HR Interview Round. IBM does not conduct separate Technical and HR interviews so keep in mind that the same panel will be interviewing you on both Technical and HR aspects. IBM Interview Process and Experience

A candidate should have knowledge of Data structures, algorithms, DBMS, Operating System, Networking, OOPs concepts and a programming language of ones choice. Candidates from branches other than CS should prepare for subjects related to their branch.An HR Round is generally the final round where the interviewer will discuss your career aspirations and milestones. Most of the questions asked are very common. It is good to be prepared on some of them so that you can answer with confidence. However, it is not recommended to memorize any answer. Do make some points but frame your answers on the spot.

IBM Test Pattern for IBM Online Written Test
