Every fresher’s dream is to get placed in a top company. More than 75% of them aspire to be placed in IT industry. So, in this article, we will tell you how to get placed in top IT companies.
Generally, the recruitment process of any top IT company involves 4 rounds and they are as follows:
All the candidates have to clear one round in order to progress to the next round of the recruitment process of the top IT companies. Let’s break this down step by and step and figure out how you get placed in top IT companies.
The first round of the recruitment process for any top IT company is usually the online aptitude test. There are few techniques you can follow to easily crack this round and to ensure that you get placed in any top IT company.
Practice is the key to success. You will have to regularly practice aptitude questions. Putting pen to paper can take you from somebody who can’t even solve a simple problem to a pro who can solve the toughest of questions in a span of 2-3 months.
Picking the right questions to solve during the exam can make a huge difference. Solve the questions that you are confident about first and then go for the difficult ones that consume a lot of time and involve complex calculations. At the end of the day, you just have to clear the cutoff to get through to the next round. All the questions usually carry the same number of marks and you might end up getting a lot of negative marks if you waste a lot of time on questions that you are not sure of.
While preparing for your placements or when you are studying for the campus placement drives by the top IT companies or the mass recruiters, focus on the most important quantitative and verbal aptitude topics first. You will be able to find the important topics by going through the previous year placement papers. Once you take a look at the placement papers from the last few drives conducted by the same company, you will be able to observe a pattern and you will notice that certain topics have more weightage. Master these topics, especially the types of questions asked from these aptitude topics.
Learn the important concepts from C, C++, and Java, even if you aren’t from CS/ IT background. All candidates are expected to have at least a basic knowledge of OOPS concepts, DBMS etc as the job on offer involves the application of these fundamental concepts on a daily basis.
Take up mock tests and analyze your mock test results. This will help you find out your strengths and weaknesses and it will also help you rectify the mistakes you’ve made. By taking mocks you will also get accustomed to the exam pattern.
Click here for the tips to prepare for your Online Placement Aptitude Test.
Now that we have figured out how to crack the online aptitude tests conducted by any top IT company. Let’s move on to the next round. If you are still wondering this still doesn’t help me figure out how to get placed in top IT companies, Don’t Worry! We are approaching it one round at a time. The next round is usually the GD round.
Group discussion is where a lot of the candidates are filtered out as not everybody who is good at aptitude is good at being articulate and voicing their opinion in the group discussion round. To ensure that you are not eliminated, here are few things you can do:
The third and fourth round of any top IT company’s recruitment process are usually the Technical and HR interview rounds. People tend to take the HR interview lightly. But that shouldn’t be the case. It is where a candidate is expected to prove himself/herself and candidates are expected to convince the employer that they would be an asset to the company. This should be conveyed without giving the interviewers the feeling that you are desperate to land a job. Here are few tips that you can follow while attending the
Technical and HR Interviews:
A resume is the first thing that any recruiter would look at to determine whether you would be a good fit for the role or not. So, it is important to have a powerful resume that will help you sell yourself to the interviewer. Don’t mention anything that you have not done in your resume as the interviewers would be able to easily see through it.
It should include all your projects, internships and paper presentations. The objective section of your resume should portray you as the perfect candidate for the job.
Click here to know more about the tips to build an effective resume.
If you follow all these tips, you will easily get placed in any of the top IT companies.