Hacks to solving word usage questions

Hacks to solving word usage questions

Questions on Word Usage are based on the different contextual uses of a particular word. Most English words have multiple meanings and can be used as different parts of speech, and also as a part of an idiom or a phrasal verb. In Word Usage questions, this factor is used to form four sentences by using a particular word. In these four sentences, the usage of the word in three sentences is correct. The test-taker is expected to identify the sentence where the usage of the word is incorrect.

tips to solve word usage questions

Strategies and Approaches to solving Word Usage questions

The following list includes but is not limited to the various strategies and approaches to solving Word Usage problems.

  1. Note down all the possible parts of speech for the given word. The word need not only have multiple definitions but also could be used as several different parts of speech.
  2. Determine whether the given word is used as a part of an idiom.
  3. Since the word used incorrectly in a sentence has to be determined, answer options which contain correct sentences can be eliminated on the basis of known usage of the particular word.
  4. If two choices are left, replace each with a synonym of the word and determine whether the sentence is still meaningful.


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Example Question

1. Hand

(a) The board rejected the manager’s plan out of hand.

(b) When you have small children at home it is advisable to have a first aid kit at hand.

(c) He’s an old hand at managing advertising campaigns.

(d) He is hand over glove with the new president of the company.

Solution: The use of the idiom ‘hand over glove’ is incorrect. The correct usage is ‘hand in glove’ and it means “very close to someone”.

