ELitmus is one of India’s largest assessment and recruitment company. They provide a hiring platform for over 500 companies and almost more than half of the registered candidates were satisfied with their new found job. This article is written with the intent to provide you with the ELitmus exam pattern 2018.
rnThe assessment test conducted by eLitmus is called as the pH test or hiring potential test. The tests cover all the topics that are given importance to by most of the developing companies and these tests also help the candidates to analyze their skills better.
rnThe assessment test is conducted for a duration of 2 hours and there are three sections to this test as:
rnQuantitative Aptitude
Verbal English
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
Each section has 20 questions each for 200 marks. So totally there are 60 questions for 600 marks. These questions should be solved within 2 hours.
rnAlthough the Elitmus syllabus has been varying through the years the most repeated and common topics with most certain recurrence are given below for each section.
rnEach section will have twenty questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
rnNumber Systems (at least 4 Questions)
Probability (Roughly 2 Questions)
Permutation Combination (2 Questions)
Geometry (At least 3 Questions)
Equations and Inequalities (1-2 Questions)
Arithmetic , Geometric and Harmonic Progressions (AP,GP,HP) : (1-2 Questions)
Logarithms (1 Questions at least)
Speed, Time and Distance (1-3 Questions)
Time and Work (1-2 Questions), uncertain
Mixture and allegation (1 question), uncertain
Percentage (1 question), uncertain
Questions Related To Grammatical Concepts
Paragraph Based Questions
Text completion.
Reading Comprehension
Data Tabulation based Questions
Cryptarithmetic Problem
Arrangement Based Problems
Bar Graphs/Pie Charts
Miscellaneous Questions
Unlike other assessment tests, eLitmus test has negative marking and the conditions are as follows:
rnThe candidate does not suffer negative marking if their wrong attempt percentage is lesser than 25% of the entire score.
In cases when the wrong attempted questions exceed 25%, 5 marks would be reduced for the wrong questions.
No mark would be reduced for the unattempted questions.
The marks split-up and the percentile division of eLitmus is very much different from other such tests and the percentile also varies with the location of the test acquirement.
rnThe eLitmus test is a paper-pen test and the result will be uploaded on the eLitmus site. The result is usually received within a week but in seldom cases, it can take up to two weeks. The test results would be in percentile for each section separately. Any candidate with an 80 or more percentile will have a shot at high pay jobs.
rnApplying for the eLitmus pH test can be done online by simply creating an account, choosing the test and slot.
rnrnFor more updates, stay in touch with FACE Prep.