The eLitmus pH test is used to employ freshers and experienced professionals for the IT sector jobs. To the students who are still new to the concept of eLitmus exams and their syllabus and pattern, this article will help you understand the eLitmus Exam Pattern a lot better and will give you a thorough idea about it.
rneLitmus pH test is an exam that is specifically made for people who are seeking to pursue a job in the IT sector. Its syllabus and paper pattern pertains to the specifics of the IT department and evaluates how well can you perform and adapt to a job in the IT sector. It has now become a popular exam whose results are widely recognized over the range of various tech companies and is gaining popularity by the day.
rnThe basic idea of eLitmus is to get a good pH score in the eLitmus pH test that assesses your capabilities. The higher your pH score the better your performance and many companies also hire candidates solely based on their eLitmus scores. The students who do not fare very well on the first go can also give a re-exam to better their performance.
rnThere are 3 sections in the eLitmus exam and each section consists of 20 questions each. The students have to fair well overall in all these sections and the easiest way to go about it is by following the eLitmus exam pattern and Syllabus as it is and preparing for it methodically. The students usually get their results within a week of giving the test. Sometimes it may take up to two weeks to get the results but considering other entrance tests, this is still a very low amount of time within which you get your results.
The eLitmus Exam Pattern is given below:
rnThe syllabus of the three sections goes as follows:
rnNumber Systems
Percentage & Interest
Time, Speed & Distance
Coordinate Geometry
Quadratic Equations
Permutation & Combination
Few Miscellaneous Questions
Data Tabulation based Questions
cryptarithmetic Problem
Arrangement Based Problems
Bar Graphs/Pie Charts
Few Miscellaneous Questions
Questions Related To Grammatical Concepts
Paragraph Based Questions
Fill In The Blanks
Reading Comprehension
The exam has a negative marking scheme. So it is advised for you to not attempt all the questions. The percentile ranking depends on the number of correct questions you have in the exam. You cannot use a calculator or any other kind of device in the exam. Even if you get about ten questions right in the exam you are likely to reach the 90 percentile as many students unnecessarily attempt all the questions and lose marks.
rnCompanies like Accenture, MAQ, and Intel are hiring on the basis of this exam, and if you do not get a satisfactory score you can always apply for a re-examination so it makes all the more sense due to its convenience.
rnEver since 2012 many candidates have given their reviews on this exam and most of them say that it has helped them get a job as a fresher in the IT department.
rnAll the Best!
rnTo know more about eLitmus and other placement-related tests, stay in touch with FACE Prep.