Accenture Recruitment Process 2018 – Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Eligibility Criteria, Job Role & Prospects, Salary

Accenture Recruitment Process 2018 – Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Eligibility Criteria, Job Role & Prospects, Salary

No one can deny that Accenture plays a major role in the mass recruitment of freshers. They conduct both on-campus and off-campus drives. They also conduct drives for freshers through AMCAT or Elitmus. In this article, we will discuss all the details about Accenture Recruitment Process 2018.


Accenture Recruitment Process 2018


About Accenture


Accenture PLC is a Multinational Company providing services in Information Technology and Management Consulting.  It is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.


Job Role of a Fresher in Accenture


In Accenture, a fresher is hired for the designation of an Assistant System Engineer. A fresher would go through two months of training after the recruitment process. After this training period, they would be assigned to the project in one of the numerous Accenture Offices across the world. The role given to them depends on the project they are assigned to.


Job Prospect of a Fresher in Accenture


Accenture provides tremendous growth opportunities for freshers. As a fresher, you would get into the IT division of Accenture. But, once you prove yourself with your good work in the IT division, you would be shifted to the Accenture Technology Labs. In ATL, you would be assigned to in-house projects and you can also move forward with your own projects. This would be a tremendous growth opportunity.


Accenture Recruitment Process Eligibility Criteria 2018


The candidates should fulfill the following Eligibility Criteria: 


The candidate should have a full-time Bachelors or Masters Degree (B.E, B.Tech, B.Com, BBA, B.Sc., M.Tech, M.E, MBA, etc) from a recognized university.


The candidate should have a minimum of 60% throughout their academics (10th and 12th standard, under-graduation, and post-graduation).


The candidate should not have a year gap of more than one year.


The candidate should not have any backlogs at the time of application.


Accenture Recruitment Process 2018


In Accenture Recruitment Process 2018, the freshers have to go through three rounds as


Written Test


Technical Interview


HR Interview


Accenture Written Test Pattern 2018


The written test of Accenture Recruitment process is of 3 sections as Analytical Aptitude, Verbal Ability, and Attention to detail. The total time duration of the exam is 60 minutes and the total number of questions to be answered within that limit is 55. Even though there are no sectional cutoffs and negative marking, there are sectional time limits. The Accenture written test pattern 2018 is given below.


Accenture Recruitment Process 2018 - Written Test Pattern


Accenture Technical Interview 2018


The second round of Accenture Recruitment Process is the Technical Interview. In this round, the questions asked to the candidate are from the basic concepts of programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc. The candidates will also be asked to pick a favorite subject and their basic knowledge on that subject will be tested. The time duration of this round will vary according to the candidate.


Accenture HR Interview 2018


The final round of Accenture Recruitment Process is the HR Interview. In this round, the candidate will be asked the basic HR interview questions like “Tell me about yourself”, “What are your short-term and long-term goals?”, “Why Accenture?”, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, etc. The path of the interview will be determined by the first 5-7 minutes. So, it is important to smile, portray confidence an willingness to learn in the interview.


Click here for most commonly asked HR Interview questions and answers


Accenture Pay Package for Freshers


The annual pay package of a fresher in Accenture varies from Rs. 3,22,940 – Rs. 3,50,000. The benefits provided for an Accenture employee includes House Rent Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Medical Reimbursement, Personal Allowance, Health insurance, etc.


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