If you’re preparing for Accenture’s recruitment process, practicing previous years’ placement papers is one of the best ways to enhance your chances of success. This guide covers Accenture placement questions across multiple sections, including cognitive ability, reasoning, technical skills, and coding.
The Accenture hiring process consists of multiple stages, including:
Critical Reasoning and Problem-Solving
Abstract Reasoning
Verbal Ability
Technical Questions (Pseudocoding, Networking, Cloud Security, etc.)
Programming questions in C/C++/Java/Python/.NET
Evaluates spoken and written communication
Role-specific technical questions
Behavioral and HR-based questions
By practicing Accenture placement papers, you can improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence for each section.
This section assesses logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Some common topics include:
Example Question: (Based on previous papers)
A train running at 72 km/hr crosses a bridge in 50 seconds. If the length of the train is 200 meters, find the length of the bridge.
Abstract reasoning tests your ability to identify patterns, sequences, and relationships in data.
Example Question: (Based on previous papers)
Find the missing number in the series: 2, 6, 12, 20, ?
The verbal section tests grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary. Topics include:
Example Question:
Choose the correct sentence:
a) She has been went to the market.
b) She has gone to the market.
c) She had went to the market.
d) She has go to the market.
Answer: b) She has gone to the market.
Pseudocode tests your logical approach to programming.
Example Question:
What will be the output of the following pseudocode?
X = 5
Y = 10
If (X + Y > 10)
Print "Greater"
Print "Smaller"
Answer: Greater
This section tests knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint, and common business applications.
Example Question:
Which function is used in Excel to find the highest value in a range?
a) MAX()
b) MIN()
c) SUM()
Answer: a) MAX()
Topics include basic network protocols, cybersecurity principles, and cloud computing concepts.
Example Question:
What does HTTPS stand for?
a) HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
b) High Transfer Text Protocol Secure
c) HyperLink Transfer Text Protocol Secure
d) None of the above
Answer: a) HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
The coding section evaluates your ability to write efficient, error-free programs in C, C++, Java, Python, or .NET.
Problem Statement:
Given a binary string with operations (‘A’ for AND, ‘B’ for OR, ‘C’ for XOR), evaluate the result.
Input: 1C0A1B1C1C1B0A0
Output: 1
Solution in C++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int OperationsBinaryString(string str) {
int result = str[0] - '0';
for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i += 2) {
char op = str[i];
int num = str[i + 1] - '0';
if (op == 'A') result &= num;
else if (op == 'B') result |= num;
else if (op == 'C') result ^= num;
return result;
int main() {
cout << OperationsBinaryString("1C0A1B1C1C1B0A0");
return 0;
Problem Statement:
Write a function that checks if a given string is a valid password based on these rules:
Input: aA1_67
Output: 1
(Valid Password)
Preparing with Accenture placement papers can significantly boost your chances of success. Focus on practicing mock tests, technical questions, and coding problems to stay ahead of the competition.