rnrnFACE has helped thousands of students get placed in TCS. From the 35 thousand students TCS recruited last year, 30 thousand had been trained by FACE. With requests of TCS coaching pouring in, we are coming up with a first-of-its-kind 2 day online webinar to help you crack the TCS drive.
rnThe number of students aspiring to join TCS is very high and the TCS drive is being conducted pan-India. Hence, it is not going to be easy to stand out in this pool drive.
rnOur webinar will consist of 5 sessions:
rn1. TCS – Email writing
rn2. TCS – Most Repeated Aptitude Questions
rn3. TCS – Most Repeated Programs
rn4. TCS – Frequently asked Technical MCQ
rn5. TCS – Interview questions
rnWe will provide intensive training for each section. Additionally, 3 to 5 practice tests will be provided for each section.
rnOnly 500 seats, on first come first serve basis.
rnDates of the Webinar: 25th and 26th January, 2018
rnDuration: 15 hours (2 days)
rnPrice: INR 2999
rnFACE Prep students can avail this course at Rs 1999 (coupon valid till 22nd Jan Midnight).
rnUse the coupon code TCSMAR at the time of purchase.
rnClick here to register. See you at the webinar!
rnWith only a few days remaining for the TCS placement test to go, it is important to get familiar with certain test taking strategies that can help you score much higher in the TCS Aptitude Test. Here are 4 of the most important test taking strategies for the TCS Aptitude Test.
rnThe 4 test taking strategies for the TCS Aptitude Test are as follows:
rnWhat matters the most in the TCS Aptitude Test is the selection of the questions. Select the easy questions or the questions which you feel you have already practiced during your preparation. First solve all the easy level and known questions and then move to solve the rest. For example, let’s say there are 12 easy questions or questions that you already know, It should take not more than 15 minutes – that is 3 minutes to find out the easy questions and 1 minute to solve each question. Now you have 65 minutes to solve 18 questions. If I am taking the TCS Aptitude Test, I will not solve all the 18 in 65 minutes, instead I will focus to get the answers to 15 questions correct, ideally 12 questions in 65 minutes. If you do the Math, it’s over 4 minutes per question. So, what matters the most is the questions that you select in the TCS Aptitude Test.
rnThe TCS Aptitude Test has something known as Star questions. Star questions are relatively difficult when compared to other questions and have the advantage of carrying additional marks. The biggest mistake a student can make here is to attempt a star question that he is not familiar with, just for those extra marks. This is where time management goes wrong for many students. So DO NOT attempt Star questions in the beginning, unless you are familiar with the question. As I said earlier, try to solve all the easy questions, then attempt the medium difficulty level questions, and finally if you are left with time, then you can move on to solve the star questions that you are not familiar with. Questions on bugs, pebbles, and Sudoku are the most commonly repeated star questions.
rnUnlike other company tests, TCS allows the use of the calculator during the TCS Aptitude Test. However, it is important that you use the calculator only when it is absolutely necessary. DO NOT use it for silly calculations, for example, 24*12. You should rather calculate it as 240+48 = 288. This might take some practice to master, but it will eventually save you a lot of precious time during your test and help you attempt more questions.
rnOne major worry students have is “What is the cut-off for the TCS exam?” The truth is that it is difficult to predict the exact cut-off. Cut-off are usually decided based on the performance of the students and the number of students TCS is planning to recruit from that particular centre. Hence, the cut-off varies from one place to the other. You will be on the safer side if you answer 20-22 questions correctly. During TCS Placements (on campus), you will lose one mark for every 4 wrong answers i.e. 0.25 will be the negative marks per question. However, some reports in the recent past state that there won’t be any negative marking during the off campus i.e. pooled drives. However, it is always better to know whether there is negative marking or not before attending the test. If in case, there is no negative marking and you are short of time go with your intuition and answer the unanswered questions.
rnWe hope that these tips have helped you and will out you in a better frame of mind and will help you crack the TCS Aptitude Test. These last few days before the Aptitude Test are crucial for your success in getting placed at TCS. Do ensure that you thoroughly practice the questions that you have already learnt, and devise methods which can help you solve these questions within a shorter time frame. Along with this, make sure that you are prepared for the other rounds in the TCS Recruitment Process.
rnTCS off-campus drive for freshers is coming soon.
rnThe number of students aspiring to join TCS is very high and the TCS drive is being conducted pan-India. Hence, it is not going to be easy to stand out in this pool drive.
rnFACE has helped thousands of students get placed in TCS. From the 35 thousand students TCS recruited last year, 30 thousand had been trained by FACE. With requests of TCS coaching pouring in, we are coming up with a first-of-its-kind 2 day online webinar to help you crack the TCS drive.
rnOnly 500 seats, on first come first serve basis.
rnDates of the Webinar: 25th and 26th January, 2018
rnDuration: 15 hours (2 days)
rnPrice: INR 2999
rnFACE Prep students can avail this course at Rs 1999 (till seats remain).
rnUse the coupon code TCSMAR at the time of purchase.
rnClick here to register. See you at the webinar!
rnWe have made a course on TCS Recruitment which contains the most repeated Aptitude questions in TCS. We hope this course will help you practice and strengthen your game for the TCS Aptitude test. This course is available on our Website. You can study the course from our Website
rnYou can check it out here. TCS Recruitment:Most repeated TCS Aptitude test questions 2017rn
We wish you all the best!