WOWS Intensive Speed Maths Workshop – Demo Video

WOWS Intensive Speed Maths Workshop – Demo Video

Hello FACE Preppers!


As you all know, FACE Prep is coming up with a ‘Within One Weekend Series’ (WOWS) to help you guys excel in aptitude. The first chapter of this WOWS is an Intensive Speed Maths Workshop.!  


In this video, you can see a demo of how this speed maths workshop will be! Link to our Intensive Speed Maths Workshop – – Click on this link to know the details of the workshop
Use the coupon code SPEED10 to get an exclusive discount on the workshop.


Since most of you had expressed a major concern that you know how to solve problems but end up wasting a lot of time on a few problems and you don’t even have time to read or solve the rest of the problems, we have decided to help you address it. That’s why we have come up with a WOWS Intensive Live Workshop on Speed Maths on this Weekends [26th & 27th May] at 10 AM to 5 PM which will help you increase your speed at least by 4X in Placements Drives of companies and employment assessment exams like TCS, Infosys, CTS, AMCAT etc and crack the most scrutinizing and competitive aptitude round.


By the end of this workshop, you will learn to:

  • Maintain a balance between computational speed and accuracy.
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  • Solve the problems efficiently and proactively under pressure.
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  • overcome the time management issues that you face during the competitive aptitude tests of the companies and employment assessment organizations like TCS, CTS, Infosys, Accenture, AMCAT, eLitmus, CoCubes, etc.
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Join this 12-hour WOWS workshop using the link – – and crack Quantitative Aptitude with ease!
