It is commonly known that Wipro slightly modifies their exam pattern every year, This year is no exception. So in this article, you will learn in detail about the new Wipro Exam Pattern 2018.
rnWipro Limited is an Indian Information Technology Corporation. It is a leading Global information technology, consulting, and business processing services company.It is headquartered in Bangalore, India. To know more about wipro visit Wipro’s official website.
rnLast year, the exam pattern consisted of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Verbal and Technical MCQs. But this year, as Wipro prefers candidates who are well versed in programming, there is a slight modification in the exam pattern. Instead of technical MCQs, the Wipro Exam Pattern 2018 have a Coding Test. This Coding Test consists of 2 questions and the time duration given to complete this is 45 minutes. The Wipro Exam Pattern 2018 is given below:
NOTE: There is no negative marking or sectional cutoff in the new Wipro Exam Pattern. Coding Test has 50% of the total weightage. So, it is important to concentrate more on technical skills.
In quantitative aptitude section, advanced quantitative aptitude questions from basic mathematics, applied mathematics, and engineering mathematics will be asked. The important topics to be covered in the exam are given below:
Profit and Loss
Time, Speed and Distance
Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Permutation and Combinations
In logical reasoning, the questions are asked from the topics given:
rnBlood Relations
Data Sufficiency
Coding and Decoding
Directional Sense
Number series
Classification and Analogy Pattern Recognition
In verbal reasoning, the questions will be from the topics given below
Spotting the error
Sentence Improvement
Reading Comprehension
So, it is important to practice all the topics that are given above.
rnOf all the sections mentioned above, this section is very important as you have to write the code for a given program and generate the output. Any programming language like C, C++, Java, etc. can be used. But the main objective is, you have to generate the output exactly as given in the question.
rnThe weightage of each question is 100 marks. Hence, it is important to concentrate and prepare with all your might for this round.
rnIn this section, you have to write an essay. The topic that is given will be on any general topics, current affairs or some scenario. This essay has to be completed within the time limit of 20 minutes. This section is to test your English proficiency, grammar, and creativity.
rnSo, it is important to practice regularly and concentrate more on technical skills to ace the coding test.
rnAll the Best!