Texas Instrumentsis the worlds leading semiconductor manufacturing firm and a highly reputedcompany to work at for Electrical Engineers around the globe. Such high-level industry requires a good professional aptitude and attitude. The Texas Instruments recruitment process is tough to crack and requires a good level of preparation on the subjects that the candidate is concernedwith.
In this article, we will discuss details of Texas Instruments hiring process for campus selection as well as Texas Instrument Off-Campus drives as well.
Texas Instruments Inc. (TI) is an American technology company that designs and manufactures semiconductors and various integrated circuits, which it sells to electronics designers and manufacturers globally. Its headquarters are in Dallas, Texas, United States. TI is one of the top ten semiconductor companies worldwide, based on sales volume. Texas Instruments’s focus is on developing analog chips and embedded processors, which accounts for more than 80% of their revenue. Texas Instruments also produces Texas Instruments digital light processing (DLP) technology and education technology products including calculators, microcontrollers and multi-core processors. To date, TI has more than 43,000 patents worldwide.
Texas Instruments emerged in 1951 after a reorganization of Geophysical Service Incorporated, a company founded in 1930 that manufactured equipment for use in the seismic industry, as well as defense electronics.Texas Instruments produced the world’s first commercial silicon transistor in 1954 and designed and manufactured the first transistor radio in 1954. Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit in 1958 while working at TI’s Central Research Labs. Texas Instruments also invented the hand-held calculator in 1967 and introduced the first single-chip microcontroller (MCU) in 1970, which combined all the elements of computing into one piece of silicon.
Texas Instruments hires freshers for the role of Analog Layout Engineer.
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For a candidate to be eligible for Texas Instruments Recruitment Process, following eligibility criteria needs to be checked:
Projects at Texas Instruments
Projects could be in the following areas but not restricted to-
TheTexas Instruments Recruitment Process for on-campus hiring starts with the Texas Instruments Test followed by interview rounds.
The test is divided into three sections namely,
Have a look into the pattern, syllabus and cut off required to clear the Texas Instruments Test
Once a candidate clears the Texas Instruments Test round of the Texas Instruments Recruitment Process, they are called for the Technical Round. This round may further divide into 2-3 rounds. These separate interviews discuss different concepts related to analog and digital concepts. Get more details in this article – Texas Instruments Interview Questions
The final round is the HR Interview round where the panel asks some basic HR questions related to future career aspirations and commitment to the company. This is the final and deciding round of theTexas Instruments Recruitment Process.Check some previously asked HR questions here –Texas Instruments Interview Questions
The company organized off-campus drives every year to pick up the potential employable candidates. The off-campus generally starts in December/January and ends by July. Following gives you the steps to apply for Texas Instruments Off-Campus Drives:
The candidate selection is done on the basis of resume shortlisting and then followed by Texas Instrument Test, Technical Interview and HR Interview.
An interested candidate might also try for a job opportunity in Texas Instruments through employee referrals.
A fresh college graduate can also apply for the role of an intern at Texas Instrument. Normally, Texas Instruments conducts drives in college campus for Internship opportunities to graduates but you can also apply for an internship through their career website –www.careers.ti.com/
Intern salary – 26,000/ month
Make sure you have the following documents while preparing to apply for Texas Instruments Recruitment Process: