TCS Digital Hiring 2020 Registration Process for TCS Digital Recruitment | Faceprep

TCS Digital Hiring 2020 Registration Process for TCS Digital Recruitment | Faceprep

The TCS Digital Hiring Process will be based on the TCS NQT scores of the candidate. Those who wish to get selected for the TCS Digital will advance further in the TCS Digital Hiring Process. Read more for more such details.

TCS Digital Hiring  Registration Process

What is TCS Digital?

TCS Digital is a high-profile role offered by TCS. This role is offered to candidates based on their TCS NQT scores. Selected candidates will further attend the TCS Digital Technical Interview and HR interview. Candidates who successfully pass all the rounds will be offered the job of Systems Engineer with a salary package of 7 LPA.

TCS Digital Hiring/Registration process

In the previous years, there have been three ways of landing the TCS Digital offer.

1) TCS Premium College

There are certain institutions that are considered to be premium accredited institutions of TCS. If you belong to such an institution (you can check with your Training and Placement Officer on this), your college would be eligible for on-campus recruitment by TCS Digital.

Here are the Eligibility Criteria for TCS Premium College candidates:


TCS Digital Hiring Recruitment Process

TPOs can nominate an additional 15% of students:

  • Toppers in academics or exceptionally talented in programming from disciplines other than the ones listed (from the parent college)
  • Toppers from the allowed disciplines from the group institutes

Streams allowed

UG/PG Streams from:


Additional Opportunity for Students from TCS Premium Colleges:

Students from TCS Premium Colleges who take up the TCS Digital process but fail to crack the test or the interview will be allowed to attend the TCS NQT All India Process.

2) Cracking the TCS CodeVita Pre-Qualifier

If you have cracked the TCS CodeVita Pre-Qualifier, you’d be shortlisted for a direct interview with TCS for the Ninja profile (3.5 LPA). In previous years, if you cleared that interview, you’d be given an opportunity to upgrade your package to Digital. You must then:

  1. Take up a TCS Digital Test
  2. Post clearing the test – take up another interview

Upon clearing the final interview, you can land a TCS Digital offer.


The TCS NQT (also known as TCS Ninja) is nationwide recruitment conducted for the 3.5 LPA role by TCS. If one does really well in the National Qualifier Test, then there’s an opportunity to be shortlisted for the TCS Digital Process. In such cases, while filling out the TCS NQT application form, the candidates have had to express their interest in both Ninja & Digital by selecting the option ‘TCS Ninja & TCS Digital‘ under the profile interested in the category.

Here’s a sample email received by a candidate who was shortlisted for the TCS Digital Process post attending the TCS NQT.

Upon this shortlisting, candidates go through:

  1. The TCS Digital Online Test
  2. Tech + HR Interview

TCS Digital Hiring Recruitment Process

TCS Digital Recruitment Process

TCS Digital’s hiring process is as difficult as any other product company recruitment. Below is the TCS digital hiring process from previous years.


*The above hiring procedure was only effective through 2021 and for the class of 2022 graduates. Pass-outs from 2023 and above will be taking a TCS Ninja + Digital Integrated Test.

TCS Digital Syllabus

Numerical Ability


Reasoning Ability


Verbal Ability


TCS Digital Hiring Recruitment Process

TCS Digital Technical Interview

If you perform well in the online test, then you will be called for an immediate round of technical interviews. Questions in this technical interview will be based on your engineering background, but they would majorly focus on testing your passion and ability to code/build logic.

If you are from a CSE/ IT background, then you can expect questions from these subjects.

  • Data Structures & Algorithms (Dynamic programming, backtracking, etc)
  • SQL
  • DBMS
  • Operating Systems
  • Digital areas like the Internet of Things, Big Data & Analytics, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, etc. (This is mandatory irrespective of the department you’re from)

Round 3: TCS Digital HR Interview

The HR interview is the easiest of all. You just need to be confident and clear while expressing your thoughts in this interview.

Some of the questions that were asked are:

  • Tell us about yourself
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What skills in you make you eligible for TCS Digital?
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • Would you be willing to relocate?

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TCS Digital Hiring  Registration Process
