Python Command Line Arguments: Complete Guide | FACE Prep

Python Command Line Arguments: Complete Guide | FACE Prep

Command Line Arguments in Python: A Complete Guide

When building Python programs, getting user input is a common requirement. While Python offers traditional methods like input() and raw_input(), command-line arguments provide an alternative approach to passing input during the execution of a program. This method is especially useful for executing scripts with different configurations without modifying the code.In this guide, we will explore what command-line arguments are, how to use them, and the two popular modules in Python that facilitate this process: sys and getopt.

What Are Command-Line Arguments in Python?

Command-line arguments are values or inputs passed to a Python script from the command prompt or terminal at runtime. This method allows users to provide input values to the program when executing it, offering a more flexible way of handling user input.For example, when executing a Python program from the command prompt, you can pass arguments that the program will use during execution. These arguments can be simple strings, numbers, or flags that configure the script’s behaviorPython Command Line Arguments

Using Python’s sys Module for Command-Line Arguments

The sys module is one of the simplest ways to access command-line arguments. It provides a list called argv, which stores the arguments passed to the script, including the script name itself.

Example: Reading Command-Line Arguments with sys.argv

Let’s take a look at an example that demonstrates how to pass and access command-line arguments in Python using the sys module.
from sys import argvprint(‘The command line arguments are: ‘) for arg in argv: print(arg)print(“Type of argv is:”, type(argv))

How to Run the Script

Save the script as and run the following command from the terminal:
python FACEPrep Python

Expected Output:

The command line arguments are: FACEPrep Python Type of argv is: <class 'list'>
Here, the first argument printed ( is the name of the script itself, while FACEPrep and Python are the user-provided command-line arguments.

Understanding the argv List

When using the sys module, all command-line arguments are stored in the argv list. The first item, argv[0], is always the script’s name, followed by the user inputs. You can also determine how many arguments have been passed using the len() function:
from sys import argvprint(“The number of arguments:”, len(argv)) print(“The argument list:”, argv)

Advanced Argument Parsing with Python’s getopt Module

While the sys module is simple to use, the getopt module provides more advanced features for parsing command-line arguments. It supports both short options (e.g., -h) and long options (e.g., --help), making it ideal for handling complex input scenarios.

Functions in the getopt Module

The getopt module has two primary functions for parsing command-line arguments:
  1. getopt(): This function parses the arguments based on predefined short and long options.
  2. gnu_getopt(): A more advanced version that allows for mixed short and long options.

Example: Using getopt for Command-Line Options

import getopt import sysdef main(): opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], “h”, [“caps”]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in (“-h”): print(“Help message”) elif opt in (“–caps”): print(“HELLO, KYLE!”)if __name__ == “__main__”: main()

How to Run the Script

python hello --caps kylen

Expected Output:

Here, the --caps option is used to convert the input argument to uppercase.

Understanding the getopt Exception: GetoptError

The GetoptError exception is raised when there is an issue with the command-line arguments. For example, if an unrecognized option is provided, the program will throw an error.

Example: Handling GetoptError

import getopt import systry: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], “h”, [“caps”]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(f”Error: {err}) sys.exit(1)

Using the gnu_getopt Function

The gnu_getopt() function is similar to getopt(), but it supports GNU-style argument parsing, where options and arguments can be intermixed. This is useful when options are not passed in a specific order.

Syntax for gnu_getopt():

getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortopts, longopts=[])

Key Differences Between sys and getopt Modules

Featuresys Modulegetopt Module
Use CaseBasic argument handlingAdvanced argument parsing with options
ComplexitySimple, no option parsingSupports short and long options, more control
Arguments FormatArguments as a list of stringsOptions and arguments parsed with flags


Command-line arguments in Python are a powerful feature that allows your program to accept inputs dynamically during runtime. Whether you need simple argument handling with the sys module or advanced parsing with the getopt module, Python provides excellent tools for dealing with user inputs in a flexible way.By mastering command-line arguments, you can write more versatile Python scripts that can be easily configured and run in different environments. Click Here to Know more! Python Command Line Arguments 