Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns | faceprep

Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns | faceprep

Program to print pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns is discussed here. Given a number n, the various patterns of pyramids using numbers are produced as output.

Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns

Half pyramid pattern using numbers

1n1 2n1 2 3n1 2 3 4n1 2 3 4 5n

Program to print half pyramid pattern using numbers


Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns

Inverted half-pyramid pattern using numbers

1 2 3 4 5n1 2 3 4n1 2 3 n1 2n1n

Program to print inverted half pyramid pattern printing using numbers


Full pyramid pattern using numbers

        1n      2 3 2n    3 4 5 4 3n  4 5 6 7 6 5 4n 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5n

Program to print full pyramid using numbers


Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns

Hollow half-pyramid pattern using numbers

1n1 2n1   3n1     4n1 2 3 4 5n

Program to print hollow half pyramid pattern using numbers


Hollow Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern using numbers

1 2 3 4 5n2     5n3   5n4 5n5n

Program to print hollow inverted half pyramid pattern using numbers


Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns

Hollow Full Pyramid Pattern using numbers

   1n  1 2n 1   3n1 2 3 4n

Program to print hollow full pyramid pattern using numbers


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Pyramid pattern printing using numbers or Pyramid number patterns
