Program to find the ASCII value of a character | faceprep

Program to find the ASCII value of a character | faceprep

Program to find the ASCII value of a character is discussed here. Given a character as input, the ASCII value of the character is displayed as output.

A character variable holds the ASCII value (an integer number between 0 and 127) rather than that character itself. That value is known as the ASCII value.

program to find the ascii value of a character

For example, consider the given character as input.

Input: S

Output: 83

Input: s

Output: 115

Algorithm to find the ASCII value of a character

  • Input the given character.
  • Find the ASCII value of the character.
  • Print the ASCII value of the character.

The program to find the ASCII value of a character is given below.


program to find the ascii value of a characterClick here to learn more about FACE Prep PRO

In this program, the user is asked to input a character which is stored on variable ch.

The ASCII value of that character is stored in variable ch,rather than that variable itself.

When %d format string is used, 115 (ASCII value of ‘s’) is displayed.

When %c format string is used, ‘s’ itself is displayed.

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