Printing Variables in Python | Single & Multiple Variables

Printing Variables in Python | Single & Multiple Variables

Printing Variables in Python|Single & Multiple Variables

In Python programming, one of the most basic yet essential tasks is printing variables. Whether you’re debugging your code or displaying output to users, knowing how to properly print variables is crucial. This guide will walk you through the differences in printing variables between Python 2 and Python 3, best practices, and modern formatting techniques.

Why Should You Use Python 3 Over Python 2?

Python 2 officially reached its end of life on January 1, 2020, meaning it no longer receives updates or support. Python 3 is faster, more secure, and has modern features like improved syntax for printing. If you’re still working with Python 2, consider upgrading to Python 3.

Printing Variables in Python

Printing Variables in Python - FACE Prep

1. Printing Variables in Python 2

a) Printing a Single Variable

In Python 2, variables are printed using the print statement. Here’s an example:

# Printing a single variable in Python 2
num1 = 10
print num1 # Outputs: 10
num2 = 9.8
print num2 # Outputs: 9.8

b) Printing Multiple Variables

To print multiple variables in Python 2, separate them using commas:

# Printing multiple variables in Python 2
num1, num2 = 10, 20
print num1, num2 # Outputs: 10 20
print “FACE”, “Prep”, “Python” # Outputs: FACE Prep Python

Note: Enclosing variables in parentheses results in them being treated as a tuple:

# Variables treated as tuples
num1, num2 = 10, 20
print (num1, num2) # Outputs: (10, 20)

2. Printing Variables in Python 3

a) Printing a Single Variable

In Python 3, the print statement has been replaced by the print() function. All variables must be enclosed within parentheses:

# Printing a single variable in Python 3
num1 = 10
print(num1) # Outputs: 10
print(num1 + 10) # Outputs: 20
print(“FACE Prep”) # Outputs: FACE Prep

If you omit the parentheses, Python 3 will throw a SyntaxError:

# Incorrect syntax in Python 3
num2 = 8
print num2 # SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

b) Printing Multiple Variables

To print multiple variables in Python 3, separate them with commas:

# Printing multiple variables in Python 3
num1, num2 = 10, 20
print(num1, num2) # Outputs: 10 20
print(“FACE Prep”, “Python”, “Tutorial”) # Outputs: FACE Prep Python Tutorial

Just like in Python 2, enclosing variables in an additional set of parentheses treats them as a tuple:

# Variables treated as tuples
num1, num2 = 10, 20
print((num1, num2)) # Outputs: (10, 20)

Printing Variables Alongside Text

When printing variables along with text, Python provides multiple ways to format your output. Below are the most common methods (Python 3 examples):

Method 1: Using Commas

# Using commas to print variables with text
name = "FACE Prep"
days = 20
print("I learned Python on", name, "in", days, "days")
# Outputs: I learned Python on FACE Prep in 20 days

Method 2: Using String Formatting (% Operator)

# Using the % operator for formatting
name = "FACE Prep"
days = 20
print("I learned Python on %s in %d days" % (name, days))
# Outputs: I learned Python on FACE Prep in 20 days

Method 3: Using .format()

The .format() method is more modern and versatile:

# Using the .format() method
name = "FACE Prep"
days = 20
print("I learned Python on {} in {} days".format(name, days))
# Outputs: I learned Python on FACE Prep in 20 days

You can also use positional or keyword arguments:

# Positional arguments
print("I learned Python on {1} in {0} days".format(days, name))
# Keyword arguments
print(“I learned Python on {name} in {days} days”.format(name=“FACE Prep”, days=20))

Method 4: Using f-strings (Python 3.6+)

The latest and most concise method is f-strings:

# Using f-strings
name = "FACE Prep"
days = 20
print(f"I learned Python on {name} in {days} days")
# Outputs: I learned Python on FACE Prep in 20 days

Common Errors When Printing Variables

  1. Missing Parentheses (Python 3):


    print num1 # SyntaxError in Python 3

  2. Using + Without Conversion: If you try to concatenate a string with a number, Python throws a TypeError:


    print("Days completed: " + 20) # TypeError

    Fix it using type conversion:


    print("Days completed: " + str(20))

FAQs on Printing Variables in Python

1. How do I print a variable along with text in Python?

You can use commas, .format(), or f-strings (recommended). For example:

name = "Python"
print(f"I love learning {name}!")

2. Can I print multiple variables of different types?

Yes, Python allows you to print variables of different types by separating them with commas:

num = 10
text = "days"
print(num, text) # Outputs: 10 days


Printing variables in Python is a fundamental skill that allows you to display data and results to users. Python provides simple and flexible methods for printing single and multiple variables, whether using the print() function with comma separation or formatting techniques like f-strings and the format() method. Mastering these printing methods enhances your ability to effectively communicate program outputs, making it easier to debug, track data, and present information clearly.

Printing Variables in Python | Single & Multiple Variables