Print the Armstrong numbers between the two intervals | faceprep

Print the Armstrong numbers between the two intervals | faceprep

The program to print all the Armstrong numbers between the two intervals is discussed here. A number is said to be an Armstrong number when the sum of nth power of digit of the number is equal to the number itself.


Print the Armstrong numbers between two intervals Algorithm to print Armstrong numbers between two intervals

  1. Input the start and end values.
  2. Repeat from i = start_value to end_value.
  3. Repeat until (temp != 0)
  4. remainder = temp % 10
  5. result = result + pow(remainder,n)
  6. temp = temp/10
  7. if (result == number)
  8. Print the number
  9. Repeat steps from 2 to 8 until the end_value is encountered.

Print the Armstrong numbers between two intervals

Program to print the Armstrong numbers between the two intervals


Time complexity: O(n)

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Print the Armstrong numbers between two intervals
