Polymorphism in Python: Complete Guide | FACE Prep

Polymorphism in Python: Complete Guide | FACE Prep

Polymorphism in Python: Understanding and Implementation

Polymorphism is a core concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that provides flexibility and enhances code reusability. In Python, polymorphism allows methods to process objects differently based on their class or data type. This article dives into the concept of polymorphism, its usage, and its implementation in Python with practical examples.

What Is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism in Python: Complete Guide | FACE PrepThe term “polymorphism” means “many forms.” In the real world, consider yourself as an example: at college, you act as a student; at home, you act as a child. Though you are a single person, your behavior changes depending on the context. Similarly, in programming, polymorphism enables methods to behave differently based on the object’s data type or class.

Why Use Polymorphism?

Polymorphism is a valuable tool in Python for simplifying and streamlining code. Here are some key benefits:
  • Flexibility: Methods can handle different object types, making code adaptable and reusable.
  • Maintainability: Polymorphism allows easy extension and maintenance of code by enabling dynamic method binding.
  • Code Simplification: Eliminates redundant code by enabling common interfaces for different object types.

Polymorphism in Built-In Methods

Python’s built-in methods inherently support polymorphism. For example, the len function works differently based on the object type:
# Printing length of different objects
print(len([2, 4, 6, 8, 9]))  # Output: 5
print(len("FACE Prep"))     # Output: 9
Here, the len method calculates the length of a list and a string, demonstrating polymorphism in action.

Polymorphism in User-Defined Methods

Polymorphism is also possible with user-defined methods. Consider the following example where the calculate_area method is defined differently in two classes:
class Rectangle:
    length = 5
    breadth = 3

    def calculate_area(self):
        return self.length * self.breadth

class Circle:
    radius = 4

    def calculate_area(self):
        return 3.14 * self.radius * self.radius

# Creating objects
rec = Rectangle()
cir = Circle()

# Accessing the method
print("Area of a rectangle:", rec.calculate_area())  # Output: 15
print("Area of a circle:", cir.calculate_area())    # Output: 50.24
Here, the method calculate_area works differently depending on the class it belongs to, showcasing polymorphism.

Polymorphism With Inheritance

Polymorphism becomes even more powerful when combined with inheritance. It allows child classes to override methods of the parent class, providing customized behavior.
# Parent class
class Car:
    def drive(self):
        print("I can drive at a speed of 60km/hr")

# Child class
class RaceCar(Car):
    def drive(self):
        print("I can drive at a speed of 140km/hr")

# Creating objects
car = Car()
race_car = RaceCar()

# Accessing the method
car.drive()        # Output: I can drive at a speed of 60km/hr
race_car.drive()   # Output: I can drive at a speed of 140km/hr
In this example, the drive method is overridden in the RaceCar class, and its behavior changes accordingly.

Practical Applications of Polymorphism

Polymorphism is widely used in frameworks, libraries, and real-world applications:
  1. GUI Development: Buttons, sliders, and input fields often have common interfaces but unique behaviors.
  2. File Processing: Methods like read and write can handle different file formats (e.g., text, binary, JSON).
  3. Data Structures: Polymorphism allows consistent operations on diverse data types, such as lists, sets, and dictionaries.

Suggested Visuals

  • Diagram: Show polymorphism in action with a parent class and multiple child classes overriding a method.
  • Code Flow: Use a flowchart to illustrate how Python resolves method calls dynamically.


Polymorphism is an essential feature of Python that enhances flexibility, reusability, and maintainability in OOP-based programs. By leveraging polymorphism, you can write adaptable code that handles a variety of object types efficiently. Whether using built-in methods, user-defined functions, or inheritance, understanding polymorphism will make you a more proficient Python programmer. Polymorphism in Python: Complete Guide | FACE Prep 