PayPal Interview Questions with Interview Experiences – FACE Prep

PayPal Interview Questions with Interview Experiences – FACE Prep

PayPal Interview Questions for Technical Round and HR Round will be based on subjects of your interest and based on projects you have done. Here we will discuss the most frequently asked interview questions in PayPal Interview Process as well as the PayPal Interview experiences of candidates.


Table of Contents

1.PayPal Interview Processes – Rounds

2.PayPal Interview Processes – How to Crack Company’s Interview?

2.1.PayPal Interview Questions – Technical

2.2.PayPal Interview Questions – Technical

3.PayPal Interview Processes – Interview Experiences 

3.1.Experience 1

3.2.Experience 3

PayPal Coding Questions

PayPal Interview Processes – Rounds

Once you clear the online aptitude test, you have to clear two more hurdles to clear. Technical and HR round.

There are two technical interviews conducted:

  1. The Face to Face Interview
  2. The Problem-Solving Interview.

These technical interviews are a little difficult and complicated and it will be completely based on the details you have in your resume. They will ask you questions based on the subjects you are interested in and the projects you have done during your college time. So make sure to be genuine while writing the details on your resume.

After clearing these rounds you will have to appear for the HR round and here you will be assessed completely based on your personality. HR round is pretty much easy to clear. They will ask questions like Why you are interested to work with this company? “What makes you different from other candidates?” and questions like that. The Technical interviews are the toughest nut to crack and once you are done with technical interviews, you can be 95% confident that you are in.

PayPal Interview Processes – How to Crack Company’s Interview?

paypal interview questions

Even if you have an awesome resume and a very good aptitude test score, you should never neglect the Technical as well as HR interview rounds. These will test your knowledge on the technical subjects as well as your personality. The final result will depend a lot on a candidates knowledge and personality.

It is very much easy to crack any interview provided that you have to start practicing at least a month before.


  • Find your Learning method, Identify Strong and Weak technical topics
  • Make a very attractive Resume
  • Practice a lot of Mock Interviews
  • Go through Previous Interview questions asked
  • Go through Interview Experiences of placed candidates
  • Prepare a very good Self Introduction

PayPal Interview Questions – Technical

Commonly asked java interview questions-set 1

Commonly asked java interview questions-set 2

Commonly asked java interview questions-set 3

Commonly asked Technical interview questions in C programming

Tips to crack Tech interview

PayPal Interview Questions – Technical

6 commonly asked HR questions in an interview

Commonly asked stress interview questions

Why should we hire you

PayPal Interview Processes – Interview ExperiencesPayPal Interview Questions

Experience 1

Around 750 students from our college were eligible to attend the interview process conducted by PayPal

First round (aptitude round)

This round was conducted at hackerrank and had technical + aptitude questions and a coding question. The programming question asked was Maximum amongst minimum in sub-arrays.

I did most of the aptitude questions correctly and for coding question, there were 13 test cases so the optimal solution was required to run all test case and I used heap concept to give the solution.

Around 55 of the students were selected for the next round.

Round 2: Technical Test (Elimination round)

It was a coding test. There was 2 question to solve.

1) Minimum number of coin to a given amount

2) Find the longest palindromic subsequence in a string

it was based on two concepts, the greedy and the dynamic concept. I gave the dynamic solution for both

Around 15 of the students were selected for the next round.

Round 3: Technical Interview

First, the interviewers asked me to introduce myself. They just went through my resume and started shooting out the questions.

Asked me to explain the code of questions asked in the second round and what other solution can be given, as I gave a dynamic solution for both. I explained the first one with the greedy concept and he was happy with the solution. Then they asked me about my favorite subjects, and I said data structure and algorithm. He told me some scenario and asked which sorting algorithm will you use and why. After that, he started asking questions from the database. Gave me some scenario on the spot and asked to make ER diagram and write a query for the scenario, he gave me 10 min for this. I was struggling here because I was not able to understand the problem he gave. Then he helped me to understand the problem and gave some hint and motivated me, then finally I got the solution.

Then they asked some oops concept as well, like what is the difference between encapsulation and data hiding?.

From this 6 students were selected for the final round.

Round 4: Technical F2F

They asked me about my aptitude test experience and what programming language I am good at, I said C++ as I use this for competitive programming.

Then he asked me how a virtual function is implemented in the compiler.

Then he gave me some real-life examples and asked me which oops concept will you use, and it really was bad for me as I couldnt answer.

Then he asked me some questions from data structures also which I could answer very well.

All 6 candidates were selected including me.

Experience 2

Round 1

  1. Questions from my project.
  2. How to implement this scenario, an overview, the scenario was as following

There are two different scoreboards for a game, you need to combine both scoreboards and get the top 10 persons.

They were expecting us to answer using client-server architecture, Java servlets, shared memory, and data structures concepts

  1. Then they asked to design a Sudoku game.
  2. Lastly asked about my hobbies and interests.

Panel 2

I would like to tell you all one thing very clear here that if you dont know completely and clearly about a project in your resume dont ever put it there, I learned it the hard way in this round.

  1. Questions about my Dbms project which I didnt do myself, I got it done from outside.
  2. Questions about CSS and PHP in my project description which I couldnt answer as I knew nothing about that project
  3. He asked me to draw the table I used in my project and I was not able to do that also and thus he found that I didnt do the project by myself
  4. Then he asked me even further questions on that DBMS project and I got pretty nervous also. Then he advised me to do more teamwork

Experience 3

Around 750 students from our college were eligible to attend the interview process conducted by PayPal.

FIRST ROUND (Coding + Aptitude)

This round was conducted in Hackerrank which consisted of aptitude questions. It wasnt very tough, with good knowledge of algorithms and basic aptitude concepts, one can get through it easily. One question was from the coding section. The question was as follows:

An array X consists of n cells, which ranges from 0 to n. Each cell consists of n elements and its value ranges from 1 to n. Create an array Y such that Y[i] must be as small as Y[j] for all values of j that appears in X.

This question was very difficult to understand itself and it took me more than 20 minutes to understand the question but the logic was very simple. Once I understood the logic, I cracked it and passed all the test cases.

32 people were selected out of 500 and I was one among them.

SECOND ROUND (Technical 1)

They conducted a PPT session for us after the aptitude test and I asked many questions during the session to show my interest in the company.

As it was my first interview, I was a little tensed, but the interviewer made me feel comfortable. He gave me a pen and paper and gave me three questions and asked me to write code snippet for each question.

The questions asked are the following:

  1. Input a file. Select the first 3 lines of the inputted file. Select the longest line from those and count the number of words in that line.
  2. Given an array of strings, find the shortest palindrome.
  3. There exists a 44 matrix, starting from the first element reaching the last element of the matrix, between each edge there exists a weight. Reach the last element such that the sum of weights should be small.
  4. Application of Fibonacci series in real life.

After completion of this round, one of the interviewers came and told me to stay as I may have further rounds. My confidence level increased and I was ready for the next round.

THIRD ROUND (Technical 2)

I was relaxed by this time and ready to answer all the questions as I performed well in previous rounds. The interviewer asked why I want to join PayPal and I told him everything that I know about PayPal.

Technical questions were

  1. Balancing parentheses I defined my own algorithm and then he tested it for all test cases. He asked me to do some modifications and I rectified my algorithm with those modifications.
  2. There was a lot of questions about my projects and he was quite impressed with the answers.
  3. He asked me what processes happen when I type in the web browser.
  4. Find the nth largest element in an array. I used MaxHeap concept but he wanted me to define it using MinHeap as well. I modified the code and explained and he accepted it too.

At last, he told that I will have further rounds.

FOURTH ROUND (Third Technical + HR)

The HR was the same person who conducted the PPT session right after the aptitude test.

HR: When you search for a particular product in Amazon, it displays only a few particular products which are available in Amazon not all. How does this happen?

Me: I explained Machine Learning. I explained to him that when we frequently search for a particular product, it analyses the search and gives suggestions based on previous search results.

HR: Thats correct but think of another possibility. What data structure do they be using?

Me: I told Hashtables.

HR: What will be the key and what will be the values for that?

Me: The product we search will be the key. The brands of that product will be the values.

HR: Do you know Radix Sort and where it can be used?

Me: He was asking about radix sort suddenly without replying anything about my previous answer. So I guessed radix sort might be the answer to the previous question. So I answered that Radix sort can be applied in Amazon.

HR: He looked happy and told Very good!

Me: I was also very happy about that.

HR: Tell me about your projects and he started asking more questions from my resume

Me: I explained him all properly as I was very confident with whatever in my resume.

I got selected in PayPal and that was the happiest moment of my life.

paypal interview questions
