Oxymoron-Based Questions: Binary Logic and Boolean Puzzles

Oxymoron-Based Questions: Binary Logic and Boolean Puzzles

Oxymoron-Based Questions | Binary Logic & Boolean Puzzles

Oxymoron-based questions, often called binary logic or Boolean logic puzzles, challenge test-takers to analyze a set of statements, identify which are true or false, and draw logical conclusions. These puzzles are a staple in aptitude tests for testing logical reasoning skills.

Key Concepts of Oxymoron-Based Questions

Oxymoron questions typically involve three types of individuals:

  1. Truth-Tellers: Always speak the truth.
  2. Liars: Always lie.
  3. Alternators: Alternate between truth and lies (may start with either).

Each individual makes one or more statements, and your task is to determine which statements are true or false. This information helps solve the puzzle, such as identifying an arrangement, sequence, or specific person.

Common Variations of Oxymoron Questions

  1. Liars and Truth-Tellers Only: Identify the true or false statements among them.
  2. One Truth-Teller, Many Liars: Pinpoint the single truth-teller.
  3. Mixed Statements: Analyze a mix of true and false statements (e.g., 2 true, 1 false).
  4. Alternators: Include individuals alternating between truth and lies.

How to Approach Oxymoron Questions

  1. Understand the Context:
    • Identify the types of individuals (truth-tellers, liars, alternators).
  2. Analyze Statements:
    • Look for contradictions or alignments.
  3. Classify Statements:
    • Map true and false statements to the individuals.
  4. Verify Consistency:
    • Cross-check conclusions against given conditions.

Pro Tip: For statements where every person has at least one true statement, assume a statement’s authenticity and test for contradictions.

Example Questions and Solutions

Question 1: Who Won the Elections?

Three people—A, B, and C—make the following statements:

  • A: Either Freedom Party or Green Party won.
  • B: Freedom Party won.
  • C: Neither Freedom Party nor Green Party won.

Condition: Only one person is wrong. Who won?

Solution: Assume the Freedom Party won:

  • A and B’s statements are true, and C’s statement is false. This satisfies the condition.
  • If the Green Party had won, both B and C would be wrong, violating the condition.

Answer: Freedom Party.

Question 2: Who Robbed the Bank?

Three suspects—Tolu, Molu, and Golu—make these statements:

  • Tolu: I’m innocent.
  • Molu: I’m innocent.
  • Golu: Molu is guilty.

Condition: Only one statement is true.


  • Assume Molu is guilty: Tolu’s statement is true, but Golu’s statement is also true, violating the condition.
  • Assume Tolu is guilty: Molu’s statement is true, while Tolu’s and Golu’s statements are false. This satisfies the condition.

Answer: Tolu.

Question 3: Tribes on an Island

Three tribes live on an island:

  • Sacas: Always tell the truth.
  • Jhavs: Always lie.
  • Lobes: Alternate between truth and lies.


  • Gabe: Ucko is Sacas; I am Lobe.
  • Borris: Gabe is Jhavs; I am Sacas.
  • Ucko: Borris is Jhavs; I am Lobe.

Question: Which tribe does Gabe belong to?


  • Assume Borris is Sacas: His statement that Gabe is Jhavs is true, implying Gabe’s statements are false. Thus, Ucko is Lobe.
  • Verify: Gabe’s statements are false (consistent with Jhavs), and Ucko alternates truth and lies.

Answer: Gabe belongs to Jhavs.

Question 4: Who is the Painter?

Three locals—Raj, Rajan, and Roy—always give two replies:

  • Raj: I am the painter; Rajan is a liar.
  • Rajan: I am the painter; Roy is a liar.
  • Roy: Rajan is the painter; Raj is a liar.

Condition: One is a truth-teller, one is a liar, and one alternates.


  • Assume Roy is the truth-teller: Raj is the liar, and Rajan alternates. Verify Rajan’s statements: the first is true, and the second is false.

Answer: Rajan is the painter.


Oxymoron-based questions, often referred to as binary logic or Boolean puzzles, are essential for assessing logical reasoning skills in various competitive exams. By analyzing statements and determining their truth values, you can draw logical conclusions. Regular practice with these puzzles enhances your ability to think critically and solve complex problems efficiently.

Oxymoron-Based Questions | Binary Logic & Boolean Puzzles