Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C, C++, java and Python

Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C, C++, java and Python

The problem to merge two sorted arrays can be done in 3 different methods. They are

Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C and C++

Method 1: By traversing both the arrays to keep track of the current element in each array and finding the minimum value among the two and updating the output_array with the least value.

Method 2: Concatenate the two arrays into one and then sort the entire array.

Method 3: Another approach is by using min-heaps. Take the first element from both the arrays and add it to the min-heap and output the root element from the min-heap to the merged_sorted_array and continue the same until all the array elements have been processed.

Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C and C++

Method 1 to merge two sorted arrays

An easier approach to merge two sorted arrays would be by traversing both arrays to keep track of the current element in both arrays, finding the least value among the two and updating the final array with the least value.


  1. Declare two arrays and input the array elements in both arrays.
  2. Traverse both arrays.
  3. Find the minimum element among the current two elements of both arrays and update the output_array with the least value and increment its index to the next position.

Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C and C++


Method 2 to merge two sorted arrays

In this approach, two arrays are merged into one and then the merged array is sorted finally.


  1. Declare two arrays and input the array elements in both the arrays.
  2. Concatenate both the arrays.
  3. Sort the concatenated array.


Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C and C++

Method 3 to merge sorted arrays

Another approach is by using min-heaps. Take the first element from both the arrays and add it to the min-heap and output the root element from the min-heap to the output_array and continue the same until all the array elements have been processed.


  1. Declare two arrays and input the array elements in both the arrays.
  2. Take the first element from both the arrays and insert them into a min-heap.
  3. The root element of the min-heap (minimum element) is moved to the output_array and the index of the output_array is incremented.
  4. Now, take the next element from both the arrays and continue the same procedure.

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Merge two sorted arrays | Program in C and C++
