MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus – FACE Prep

MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus – FACE Prep

MAQ Software placement papers (section wise) is given here. This explains the exam pattern they followed as well as the most frequently asked topics. It includes some of the frequently asked questions also. The links which are given in this article will help you to master in each and every sections and clear the MAQ Software Written test with good results.

MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus - FACE Prep

Also, have a look at the process that takes place in MAQ Software Recruitment here.

MAQ Software Placement Papers – Exam Pattern Followed

The written test pattern forMAQ Software Placement Papers is as follows:


The MAQ Software Placement Papers starts with a written test which consists of two sections, Aptitude and Coding and you will be given 30 minutes for the Aptitude section which includes 30 questions and 30 minutes for the Coding section which includes 2 coding questions.

MAQ Software Placement Papers – Syllabus

MAQ Software Placement Papers

The written test conducted by MAQ Software is an assessment to check a candidates knowledge in basic aptitude of High School Mathematics and use of programming languages. This written test is an elimination round. If the candidate clears this round, he/she will go to the next round which is the interview process – MAQ Interview Process

After a thorough analysis of MAQ Software Placement Papers, we have given the most asked topics in the MAQ Software Recruitment Process.


MAQ Software Syllabus for the Aptitude is as follows. You should know the syllabus beforehand and get comfortable with the pattern of the exam. It is always advisable to take some mock tests also.

  1. Number Series
  2. Algebra
  3. Time and Work
  4. Time, speed and Distance
  5. Percentage
  6. Probability
  7. Permutation and combination
  8. Profit and loss
  9. HCF and LCM
  10. Geometry

MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus - FACE Prep



  • This section tests the Mathematical knowledge of candidates
  • The difficulty level of this section is easy to medium.
  • Time management is very important as this section can be time-consuming.
  • The candidate should be careful of not making any calculation errors.
  • The strategy should be to identify easier questions and solve them first without errors.


For the coding section, they will ask questions from Computer Fundamentals and Operating Systems. This section will test your basic IT knowledge. It is good to practice some questions from FACE Prep.



Usually, the questions are asked from,

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. Data Structure
  4. JAVA

MAQ Software Placement Papers – Previously Asked Questions

1) The difference between two numbers is 11 and one-fifth of these numbers sum is 9. What are the numbers?

  1. 31, 20
  2. 30, 19
  3. 29, 18
  4. 28, 17

Answer Option 4

MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus - FACE Prep

2) Find out between 1 and 100 how many numbers are there which are divisible by 7?

  1. 9
  2. 11
  3. 17
  4. 14

Answer Option 4

3) When a number is multiplied by 13, it is increased by 180. What is the number?

  1. 13
  2. 15
  3. 23
  4. 35

Answer Option 2

4) In 24 minutes, the hour hand of a clock moves through what angle?

  1. 60
  2. 24
  3. 12
  4. 5

Answer Option 3

5) Find the value of ?0.0081?

  1. 0.09
  2. 0.9
  3. 0.08
  4. 0.81

Answer Option 1

6) A reduction of 20% in the rate of chocolates enables a person to purchase 12 more for Rs. 15. What was the rate of 16 chocolates before the reduction of the rate?

  1. Rs. 6
  2. Rs. 5
  3. Rs. 7
  4. Rs. 9

Answer Option 2

7) The average age of a mother and her son is 28 years. The ratio of their ages is 3:1 respectively. What is the mother’s age?

  1. 30 years
  2. 38 years
  3. 44 years
  4. 42 years

Answer Option 4

8) A cyclic quadrilateral ABCD is like AB = BC, AD = DC and AC is perpendicular to BD. Also ?CAD = ?, then find out the ?ABC.

  1. ?
  2. ?/2
  3. 2?
  4. 3?

Answer Option 3

MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus - FACE Prep

9) Find out the number of integers between 300 and 600 which are divisible by 9?

  1. 33
  2. 31
  3. 28
  4. 25

Answer Option 1

10) Find out the ratio of petrol and kerosene in the final solution made by mixing petrol and kerosene that are present in three identical utensils in the ratio 4:1,5:2 and 6:1 respectively?

  1. 166:22
  2. 83:22
  3. 83:44
  4. 78:55

Answer Option 2

11) Print the nearest prime number to a given number n.

12) Write a program to find the HCF and LCM of two given numbers.

13) Write a code to capitalize the first word of each statement in the given paragraph.

14) The cost of a stock on each and every day is given in the form of an array. Write a code to find the maximum profit you can make by selling and buying them in those given days.

15) Write a code to check whether the number n is a Fibonacci number or not.

MAQ Software Placement Papers, Test Pattern, Syllabus - FACE Prep
