Loops in Python (for in, while, Nested loops) | FACE Prep

Loops in Python (for in, while, Nested loops) | FACE Prep

A Complete Guide to Loops in Python: Types, Examples, and Best Practices

Python loops are fundamental programming constructs that allow you to repeat a block of code multiple times, based on a specific condition. Loops are crucial for automating repetitive tasks, processing data, and performing computations without manually repeating code. Understanding how loops work in Python is essential for any programmer, whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer.In this article, we’ll explore the different types of loops in Python, how they work, and when to use each. We’ll also touch on control statements that help manage loop execution.

What Are Loops in Python?

Loops in Python, just like in other programming languages such as C, C++, and Java, help you repeat a block of code until a condition is met. This allows you to avoid writing the same lines of code repeatedly.There are primarily two types of loops in Python:
  1. While Loop
  2. For Loop
Additionally, there are nested loops that allow for more complex looping scenarios.

1. While Loop in Python

A while loop in Python repeats a block of code as long as a condition evaluates to True. Once the condition becomes False, the loop stops.

When to Use a While Loop?

Use a while loop when you don’t know beforehand how many times you need to execute a statement, and instead, want the loop to run until a certain condition is met.

Syntax of While Loop:

while condition: statement(s)

Example of a While Loop:

Let’s calculate the sum of all numbers less than a given number n using a while loop.
n = 7 sum = 0 i = 0 while i < n: sum += i i += 1 print(sum)
Explanation: The loop continues to add i to sum until i reaches 7, at which point the condition i < n becomes False and the loop ends.

2. For Loop in Python

The for loop in Python is used to iterate over a sequence of items, such as a list, tuple, string, or range of numbers. It’s the go-to loop when you know the exact number of times you need to repeat a task.

When to Use a For Loop?

Use a for loop when you know in advance how many iterations you need to perform. It’s commonly used for iterating over a sequence like a list or a range.

Syntax of For Loop:

for variable in sequence: statement(s)
You can also use the range() function for numerical iterations.
for variable in range(start, stop, step): statement(s)

Example of a For Loop:

Let’s print all even numbers from 2 to 10 using the range() function.
for i in range(2, 12, 2): print(i)
2 4 6 8 10
Explanation: The range(2, 12, 2) generates numbers starting from 2, up to (but not including) 12, with a step of 2, printing each value of i.

3. Nested Loops in Python

A nested loop is simply a loop inside another loop. Nested loops allow you to perform complex iterations, such as generating patterns or working with multi-dimensional data.

Syntax of Nested Loops:

for variable in sequence: for variable in sequence: statement(s)
Or, for nested while loops:
while condition: while condition: statement(s)

Example of a Nested Loop:

Let’s print a pattern using nested loops.
for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(i): print(j + 1, end=' ') print()
1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
Explanation: The outer loop controls the number of rows, and the inner loop prints the numbers in each row, from 1 up to i.

Which Loop Should You Choose: For vs While?

Choosing between a for loop and a while loop depends on the situation:
  • Use a for loop when you know the exact number of iterations (e.g., iterating over a list or a range).
  • Use a while loop when you don’t know the number of iterations in advance and need to continue until a specific condition is met.

Example: For Loop vs While Loop

  • For Loop Example (known number of iterations):
for i in range(5): print(i)
  • While Loop Example (condition-driven):
i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i += 1

Control Statements in Python Loops

Control statements can modify the flow of execution in loops. Python has three main control statements used in loops:
  1. break: Exits the loop completely, regardless of the condition.
  2. continue: Skips the current iteration and proceeds to the next iteration.
  3. pass: A placeholder that does nothing, used when a statement is syntactically required but you don’t want to implement anything.

Example of Control Statements:

for i in range(10): if i == 5: break # Exit the loop when i is 5 if i % 2 == 0: continue # Skip even numbers print(i)
1 3

Visuals to Complement the Article:

  1. Flowcharts for While and For Loops:
    • A flowchart depicting the process of how each loop checks the condition and executes the block of code.
  2. Screenshots of Code Output:
    • Show examples of how the output changes based on loop types (while, for, nested).
  3. Pattern Examples with Nested Loops:
    • Visual representations of patterns such as number triangles, which can be generated using nested loops.


Loops in Python are powerful tools that allow developers to automate repetitive tasks and iterate over collections of data efficiently. Whether you are using a while loop to iterate until a condition is met, a for loop to iterate through a sequence, or a nested loop for more complex tasks, understanding how to utilize loops is a fundamental skill for any programmer. By choosing the right type of loop and using control statements effectively, you can streamline your code and solve problems more efficiently. Click Here to know more our program!