Latets TCS NQT 2020 Registration Process for TCS National Qualifier Test | How to apply for TCS NQT

Latets TCS NQT 2020 Registration Process for TCS National Qualifier Test | How to apply for TCS NQT

The TCS NQT is a national-level assessment brought by TCS to test candidates and hire them based on their overall performance. Students clearing the TCS NQT test will be categorized based on their TCS NQT performance and will be allotted for either TCS Digital or TCS Ninja. For more information regarding the TCS NQT Registration Process, Syllabus, Key Takeaways etc. Read this article.

tcs nqt registration process

TCS NQT Registration Process |  Eligibility Criteria

Candidates suitable to apply for the TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) should meet the below eligibility criteria:

  • Pre-final or final-year students from any stream or degree.
  • Students who graduated from the 2018-2024 batches are looking for jobs.
  • Working professionals with up to 2 years of experience.

TCS NQT Registration Process | Syllabus

Numerical Ability


TCS NQT Registration Process

Reasoning Ability


Verbal Ability


Programming Logic


TCS NQT Registration Process



TCS NQT Registration Process | Registration Steps


tcs nqt 2023-Apply to TCS NQT and appear for the Test

Step-02 –

tcs nqt 2023-Get your NQT Score


tcs nqt 2023-Apply to multiple jobs on TCS website


tcs nqt 2023-Apply for jobs on other Corporates’ websites too


tcs nqt 2023-Get jobs basis your NQT Score and suitability

How to Apply

  1. Visit the TCS NQT Official page, scroll to the TCS NQT – Variants section which lists different types of NQT exams available. Choose your required assessment and click on the “Buy Now” or “Activate Now” option on it. If you’d like to know more about the TCS NQT Variants, click here.
  2. Log in with your TCS iON Digital Learning Hub credentials or sign up as a new user.
  3. After login/sign up, you will be asked to share your details required to complete the registration process. This includes your name, email ID, phone number, mode of assessment and other necessary details.
  4. In case of “Buy Now” option: after the successful submission of the registration form, you will need to proceed by making the payment for the exam by clicking on “Click to Proceed”. The Hall Ticket will be issued only on successful purchase of the exam.
  5. In case of “Activate Now” option: a pop-up window will open up, where you need to enter the Licence Code and click on the “Activate Now” button. Once you click on the “Close” button, you will be automatically redirected to “My Dashboard”.
  6. You will receive a successful registration message on your registered email ID/mobile number.
  7. The assessment will be conducted in two modes: Online Remote Proctored Assessment and In-Centre Assessment.
  8. For Online Remote Proctored Assessment, you will receive the login credentials on your registered email ID, 2 days prior to the assessment.
  9. For In-Centre Assessment, the Hall Ticket will be sent to you through an email, 2 days prior to the assessment.
  10. For every new TCS NQT Variant you want to attempt, repeat the same process from step 4. 

TCS NQT Registration Process

TCS NQT Registration Process | Hall Ticket / Login Credentials

Once you complete your registration process, either by making an online payment or by using the Activation Code, you will receive the Hall Ticket/login credentials based on the mode of exam chosen.

  • If you have opted for “Online Remote Proctored Assessment”, you will receive the login credentials on your registered email ID, 2 days prior to the assessment. In case you do not receive your login credentials, you can contact the customer support team through Live Chat or Help Desk to raise a ticket for immediate response. You will not receive the Hall Ticket for this mode of assessment.
  • If you have opted for “In-Centre Assessment”, the Hall Ticket will be sent to you via email, 2 days prior to the assessment. In case you do not receive your Hall Ticket 2 days prior to the assessment, you can connect with the customer support team through Live Chat, Call or Help Desk for immediate response.

TCS NQT Registration Process | Results

After you have completed the test, results will be processed and your scores will be shared to your registered email ID and mobile number that you provided during registration.

TCS NQT Registration Process | Key Takeaways

  • You can view the completed application details from the “Click here to view updates on your NQT details” link given below the TCS NQT logo on “My Dashboard”.
  • You can also view the application details on the TCS NQT product webpage post-login by clicking on the ‘View Details’ button.
  • You can edit your application for each exam session on or before the application closing date for the respective exam session (15 days prior to the exam date).
  • The NQT Score is valid for 2 years from the date of result publishing.
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts. You can write the next TCS NQT (as and when it is announced) to improve your NQT Scores. The highest score from among your attempts will be considered as your current NQT Score.

TCS NQT Registration process

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