Working long hours, all the time, is a serious cause of burnout. You run out of energy and end up compromising on the quality of work you deliver. Your image at the office will be that of a “slacker” even though you work long hours. Your boss will assume that you are procrastinating and that is why you are unable to finish your work on time.
rnEven if you work long hours and deliver good quality work, the time factor is what the employer focuses on. Almost all companies value time more than anything else. They function in environments where time waits for no one. So, it is important to learn how to work fast and deliver good quality work.
Read ahead to know how work like a champion!
rnYou can do this at the end of the day and plan ahead or you can do this first thing in the morning, before you start your day. Planning will help you understand what tasks to finish first and so on and so forth. Also, try to set time limits for yourself, so that you work faster without compromising on the quality.
rnPlanning your tasks will make you feel more organised, purposeful and disciplined. It will help you manage your time and will leave no room for procrastination. So, hurry and organise your day! You will immediately see the difference in your efficiency.
rn2. Break down your tasks if possible
rnWhen you break down larger tasks into smaller ones, it will help make the tasks easier. You may even find yourself completing them quicker. Doing this will also help you feel less burdened and will leave you with energy to do more.
rnBreaking down your tasks will keep you engaged. Doing good work at a good pace will bring you recognition and improve your appearance at the company. You will be thrust upon with bigger and better roles, which will help you climb the corporate ladder.
rn3. Make sure you take small breaks
rnIt is almost impossible to work all the time. And it also not advisable to do so. It takes a toll on our mental and physical health. Taking breaks at regular intervals will help you rejuvenate yourself. It will help you get back to work with a refreshed mind. It will boost your productivity and your quality of work.
rnTaking a break with your colleagues or even alone will also help you calm your mind on a stressful day. (Coffee also helps!) Breaks will help prevent burnouts and will keep you engaged with your work.
rn4.Change how you speak to yourself
rnChange your perspective when it comes to tackling your work day. Don’t focus on how much you have to do. Instead, focus on the tasks you have to complete. Challenge yourself, so that you always strive to be better. This will motivate and energise you.
rnNegative talk will only bring you down and dampen your work, mood and perspective. Don’t let yourself be overcome by negative thoughts and emotions.
rn5. Build relationships with your colleagues
rnWork involves a lot of back and forth between you and your colleagues. So, it is best for you to build a two-way communication channel between you and them. Let them know that you are open to discussion when it comes to certain tasks.
rnThis will help strengthen communication. Open communication lets your colleagues know that you are approachable and cooperative. It also ensures that you work with them more efficiently and effectively.
rn6.Personalise your tasks
rnWork does get monotonous at times. But, this can overcome by making it interesting for yourself. For example, if you have to update an expense report or something else of that sort. Time yourself
rnFollow the steps listed above and watch how your boss showers you with praises. Efficiency begins with you, so don’t stop trying! In time, you will find yourself zooming through your work. Without compromising on the quality. You will also find people coming to you for tips on how to work like you!