How Social Media Impacts Your Chances of Getting Hired

How Social Media Impacts Your Chances of Getting Hired

Gone are the days of traditional job hunts of looking through the Classifieds. In the light of current events, hiring and getting hired has gotten a makeover – thanks to the online portals available! Most of the online employment portals allow candidates to showcase their abilities and capabilities in the form of resume. However, with rejection being the more common response (thanks to the disparity in the vacancies and applicants), the employers seek more – more to take a decision, even if it is to screen for the interviews. They want the best of possible applicants to make and hence thy leave no stone unturned to do so.


Social Media is the perfect place to get this kind of information. As per a survey by Career Builder, about 52% of the employers research their candidates online for screening. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you post next on your account.

  1. Political opinions: While everybody has the right to have an opinion, to favour and support the same at the level by posting on social media might not always work in your favour. It’s better to keep it neutral when it comes to political opinions.
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  3. Background check: Make sure to mention all the facts as they are in your resume. There is a high chance of it being validated by your employer on Social Media. It might be a direct friend/follow request or track through a mutual friend. Any contradiction can cost you your job.
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  5. Negative comments about a previous employer/ co-workers: Hated your previous job? Keep the frustration to yourself, as it won’t be seen in good light. Make sure your remarks and comments are in check.
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  7. Discriminating Opinions/Comments: A race, religion, nationality, gender etc. biased comment is a strict no-no. All employers want to maintain a healthy work culture and this definitely is out of bounds.
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  9. Communication Skills: Even before you have had a word with your maybe/would-be employer, the kind of language you use while posting can speak volumes for you. Demonstrating poor language skills may lead to a bad impression and also become the reason for rejection.
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  11. Inappropriate photographs/comments: Being tagged in or posting inappropriate content on social media is definitely going to tarnish your image, if not nullify any chances of getting the desired job.
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Having said that, it  doesn’t mean being active on Social Media is harmful. It is in fact favoured as it authenticates your credibility. It is only what goes in it that matters.


