Usually the technical interview will start with your introduction, what was your project and why did you choose it, what is the scope of it, and what were the difficulties you faced. Then they will start asking technical questions mostly from coding language. Let’s take a look at hot questions asked by Capgemini.
rnMost frequently asked questions include:
rn1. What is the difference between Structures and union?
rn2. What is the use of function in C language?
rn3. Write a code for generating Fibonacci series.
rn4. Write a code for pascal triangle.
rn5. Why one should use “FOR” loop instead of “WHILE” loop?
rn6. Write a code to generate a particular word from a set of jumbled words.
rn7. Write a code to generate prime numbers.
rn8. What is more important HTML or JAVA and in which context?
rn9. Write a code to rewrite your name in ascending order.
rn10. What are the difference between arrays and pointers?
rn11. What are the data types in C language?
rn12. What is the difference between C and C++?
rn13. What is the difference between SQL and MYSQL?
rn14. Speak about data structures for 5 minutes.
rn15. Write a code for finding even and odd numbers.