The candidates who clear the first two rounds in the Directi Recruitment Process will be notified of the results and called for the final round Directi Interview Questions Round Technical and HR. This article will focus on the Directi Interview Question and Process for both the rounds. Please note that if you don’t receive any notification about the Interview opportunity after the Written Test, you must contact your placement cell or follow up with the company via email or call.
It is required that the candidates prepare well for the expected Directi Interview Questions beforehand. FACE Prep is providing some links to make the Interview seem smooth.
Commonly asked java interview questions-set 1
Commonly asked java interview questions-set 2
Commonly asked java interview questions-set 3
Commonly asked stress interview questions
6 commonly asked HR questions in an interview
In this round mainly the candidates have to go for face to face round, one needs to acquire good knowledge as per the facts mentioned in the CV(Curriculum Vitae). The questions are usually asked from the projects, internships or training declared in the CV. There are few course related subjects which one should know like Data Structure, Algorithms, Operating System, Networking, Database Management etc.
Few asked questions are:
DNS(Domain Name Server) system convert a DNS name into an IP address; For every domain that is registered a DNS record is created, and which is generally hosted by the company that registers it; anyhow, when the domain name is registered once it can be transferred to be hosted other where. It is basically a text registry that stores fine points about what data should be given to anyone who is requesting for the details about this domain name.
There are basically two types of routing protocol: Link State and Distance Vector Protocols.
Link state protocols communicate routing updates only when they appear which uses bandwidth more adequately. Routers dont declare the routing table which makes meeting faster. Distance Vector Protocols declare their routing table to all straightly connected neighbors at usual frequent intervals using a lot of bandwidth and are slow to converge.
Internet Protocol is a layer- 3 protocol (OSI) takes data Segments from layer-4 (Transport) and it is segmented into packets. IP packet encloses data unit received from the above layer and add to its own header information.
Its the final round and questions are commonly asked from the projects and experience one has in the technical fields during the past years. It is also a less HR and more of a technical round. Questions from the family background are asked. Question from latest technologies like GitHub or any other trending technologies. Some algorithmic questions along with puzzles are also asked to check the presence of mind and logic.