Python Control Statements: Break, Continue, and Pass with Examples

Python Control Statements: Break, Continue, and Pass with Examples

Control Statements in Python: Break, Continue, and Pass Explained

In Python programming, loops allow us to iterate over a block of code multiple times. However, there are situations when we want to change the flow of execution based on specific conditions. This is where control statements come into play. These statements allow you to alter the flow of your program and enhance the control over how loops behave.In this article, we’ll dive deep into the three primary control statements in Python: Break, Continue, and Pass. By understanding these control statements, you can write more efficient and clean code.

What Are Control Statements in Python?

Control statements in Python are used to control the flow of execution in loops or conditional structures. These statements are essential when you need to modify the default behavior of loops or when certain conditions are met.Python supports three main control statements:
  1. Break
  2. Continue
  3. Pass
Each of these statements has its unique purpose and can be used to manage the flow of loops and conditional structures.

1. Break Statement in Python

The break statement in Python is used to terminate the loop prematurely. When the break keyword is encountered, the loop is immediately stopped, and control is passed to the first statement outside the loop.

When to Use Break:

  • To exit a loop once a specific condition is met.
  • To stop further iterations when you’ve found the result you’re looking for.

Flowchart of Break Statement:

Imagine you have a loop that checks whether a string contains a particular character. When the character is found, you can break out of the loop, thus avoiding unnecessary checks on the remaining elements.

Example: Using the Break Statement

Let’s say you want to check if a given word contains the letter “A”. Here’s how you can use the break statement:
# Program to check if letter 'A' is present in the input word = input("Enter a word: ") for char in word: if char == 'A': print("A is found") break else: print("A not found")
Example Output:
Enter a word: FACE Prep A is found
  • The loop checks each character in the word.
  • Once it encounters the letter “A”, the break statement exits the loop immediately, avoiding the unnecessary checks for the remaining characters.

2. Continue Statement in Python

The continue statement in Python is used to skip the rest of the code inside the loop for the current iteration. When continue is encountered, control jumps to the next iteration of the loop, bypassing any code below it.

When to Use Continue:

  • To skip certain iterations when a condition is met but continue looping through the rest.
  • When you want to skip over specific elements but process others in the same loop.

Flowchart of Continue Statement:

When continue is encountered, the loop doesn’t exit but moves directly to the next iteration, allowing the program to skip processing the current iteration’s remaining code.

Example: Using the Continue Statement

Let’s modify the previous example to use the continue statement, skipping over non-matching characters:
# Program to check if letter 'A' is present in the input word = input("Enter a word: ") for char in word: if char != 'A': continue print("A is found") break else: print("A not found")
Example Output:
Enter a word: FACE Prep A is found
  • The continue statement ensures that only the character “A” will trigger the print statement.
  • If the character is not “A”, the loop skips the rest of the code in that iteration and moves to the next one.

3. Pass Statement in Python

The pass statement in Python is a placeholder that does nothing. It’s often used when a statement is syntactically required but you don’t want to implement any functionality yet.

When to Use Pass:

  • When you are working on a loop or conditional block but haven’t yet decided what actions to take.
  • To avoid syntax errors when defining empty code blocks.

Example: Using the Pass Statement

Imagine you are planning to implement a feature but haven’t written the logic yet. Here’s how pass comes in handy:
for char in 'FACE': if char == 'A': pass # Future logic goes here print(char)
Example Output:
  • The pass statement does nothing when the character is “A”, and the loop continues to print the other characters.

Control Statements in Python: FAQs

  1. How many control statements are present in Python?
    • Python has three main control statements: break, continue, and pass.
  2. How do you break from a loop in Python?
    • The break statement is used to exit a loop early, transferring control to the next statement outside the loop.
  3. What is the difference between break and continue statements?
    • break exits the loop, whereas continue skips the current iteration and moves to the next one.
  4. Can we use the continue statement inside an if statement in Python?
    • Yes, the continue statement can be used inside if statements to skip over specific conditions within the loop.
  5. What is the use of the pass keyword in Python?
    • The pass keyword is used as a placeholder in empty code blocks, allowing the program to run without any errors.


Control statements in Python — Break, Continue, and Pass — are essential tools for managing the flow of execution in loops. By strategically using these statements, you can make your code more efficient, flexible, and easier to understand. Understanding when and how to apply these control structures is crucial for writing clean and optimized Python code. Click here to know more our program!  