AMCAT and eLitmus are the 2 exams which come to your mind while you are on the job hunt. Candidates are often confused about what to choose. Here are the key differences between AMCAT and eLitmus
rna) AMCAT – The AMCAT exam is an online test. It can be scheduled anytime during the year.
rnb) Elitmus – The Elitmus test is a pen-paper test. The days when the exam is conducted is pre-defined.
a) AMCAT – The AMCAT test is of total 180 minutes or 3 hours.
rnb) Elitmus – The Elitmus test is for 120 minutes or 2 hours.
a) AMCAT – The AMCAT is an adaptive test, i.e. the difficulty level of the question is defined by the previous attempt. If the previous question is marked right, the next question will be tougher.
rnb) eLitmus – eLitmus being a paper-pen test, doesn’t have the adaptive pattern. However, the difficulty level of the questions in Elitmus is known to be higher than that of AMCAT questions
rnThe AMCAT score card is valid for 1 year. That is the score (in percentile) obtained in AMCAT can be used as proof of eligibility while applying in the companies for the period of 1 year from the date it is made available. Later you can either extend your subscription for another year or retake the test. Amcat Score validity details can be checked here.
rnb) eLitmus
rnThe Elitmus score is also given in form of percentile is valid for a period of 2 years.
rnThe AMCAT test does not have any negative marking. So, you can take the chance of taking a shot with your gut feeling, but mind the adaptive pattern – too many easy questions indicate answers being answered incorrectly.
rnb) Elitmus
rnThe Elitmus has a differential scheme of negative marking. It has a unique way of calculating the way negative marking is done. Know more about Elitmus pH test and Elitmus marking scheme.
a) AMCAT Exam pattern
rnAMCAT tests the candidates on a set of sections in order to ensure their capability in each of the fields. Sections in AMCAT include 4 sections – Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and English along with AMPI being the compulsory modules, irrespective of the stream of graduation. Apart from these, candidates also need to the Optional modules as per their educational qualification. Know more about
b) eLitmus Exam pattern
rnElitmus tests a candidate on 3 sections – Quantitative Aptitude, Problem Solving, and Verbal Ability. Know more about eLitmus exam pattern and syllabus.
To conclude, it’s not about the test, but the results that will help you get a job. And there is no harm in taking both tests to ensure higher chances of success.
rnHere is a summary of the above-mentioned details.
rnrn Criteria rn | rnrn AMCAT rn | rnrn Elitmus rn | rn
rn Mode of Test rn | rnrn Online rn | rnrn Pen and paper rn | rn
rn Duration rn | rnrn 3 Hours rn | rnrn 2 Hours rn | rn
rn Type of test rn | rnrn Adaptive rn | rnrn Non-Adaptive rn | rn
rn Cost rn | rnrn Rs. 900 + Taxes rn | rnrn Rs. 920 rn | rn
rn Negative Marking rn | rnrn None rn | rnrn Differential Negative Marking rn | rn
rn Total marks rn | rnrn 3600 rn | rnrn 600 rn | rn
rn Subject Module rn | rnrn Yes rn | rnrn No rn | rn
rn Score-card validity rn | rnrn 1 year rn | rnrn 2 years rn | rn
rn Total Sections rn | rnrn Varies (compulsory+optional) rn | rnrn 3 rn | rn
FACE Prep has curated resources for your Amcat or eLitmus exam preparation. You can check out these and start preparing for the exam now. These resources will help you understand the pattern and question types better.