5 things that will drive recruiters away from you
rnFinding a job is not impossible. But, if you do the following things, finding a job for yourself will be a herculean task. Read ahead to know more!
rnThere are certain behaviours that can turn off a recruiter from contacting you ever again. And these behaviours may be the reason you’re not getting interview calls or those offer letters. Make sure you read this article carefully and check yourself from here on!
So, keep reading to know what you should avoid doing before, during and after an interview!
It may be your dream company, but it is not advisable to blindly send out applications to every job position within the company. This will show the recruiter that you’re not too sure about the kind of job you’re looking for. Apply to more than one job position only if they are similar.
Many recruiters look at your social media presence when they consider you to be a potential candidate. Make sure your social media accounts are free of former employer/colleague bashing. This damages your image as a candidate and you may lose your chance of getting your dream job. Whatever happened during your employment at the organisation should be between you and the concerned person. Maintain professionalism and grace even when you write a review on Glassdoor with your name or anonymously. Be fair in your judgement of your experience with the company.
Doing so once or twice with valid reasons is acceptable. Recruiters understand that people are busy and timings don’t match up. But, rescheduling calls or meetings constantly puts your opportunity with the company at risk. Recruiters are juggling numerous applicants. Maintain punctuality and make sure you keep your word. Or else you will end up losing that job opportunity.
If you’ve just attended an interview and you haven’t heard from the recruiters in weeks, you can send a follow up email or a follow-up call. But doing so on various occasions will put off the recruiter. This shows a lack of professionalism. One follow-up email or phone call is enough. If you still haven’t heard from then you should stop waiting and start looking for other job prospects.
Another way you can put off a recruiter is by listing out old and incorrect information. Incomplete applications, incorrect references and work samples make the process of recruitment taxing and unpleasant for the recruiters. This is the final nail in the coffin. The recruiters will assume that you’re an inconsistent candidate who doesn’t care enough to cross- check the information provided. The recruiters will also assume that you’re not serious about the job and will give the opportunity to someone else.
Don’t complicate your chances of getting that great job! You’re an incredible person who deserves great things! The only thing you have to do is keep in mind the things listed above. Stay away from doing the things that will drive recruiters away from you, and watch the job offers pour in!