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Welcome to your Capgemini Pseudocode Questions

Year of Passing
What will be the output of the following pseudocode? START SET A = 5 SET B = 3 IF A > B PRINT "A is greater" ELSE PRINT "B is greater" ENDIF END

What is the output of the following pseudocode? START SET A = 10 SET B = 20 SET C = A + B PRINT C END

What will be the output of the following pseudocode? START SET X = 7 SET Y = 3 SET Z = X * Y PRINT Z END

What will be the output of the following pseudocode? START SET A = 15 SET B = 5 SET C = A / B PRINT C END

What will be the output of the following pseudocode? START SET A = 10 SET B = 20 WHILE A < B A = A + 1 ENDWHILE PRINT A END
