The Zoho Recruitment Process starts with a Written Test which is designed to assess a candidate’s basic aptitude skills in Mathematics, Logical Reasoning and English ability. This article will focus on the Zoho Test Pattern, Zoho Syllabus, Marking Scheme, Expected Cut-Off, Section wise Syllabus, and Topics to focus on.
rnBefore going into Zoho Test pattern, we should know that Zoho conducts 5-7 rounds to select freshers in their organization.
rnThese rounds are given in the below table.
rnLet’s discuss more on each round in detail,
rnThe first round of the Zoho Test Pattern is the Zoho Written Round which is just like any other aptitude test conducted by companies for the purpose of placements. Most of the questions are designed in a way which requires the aspirant to think outside the box.
rnThe pattern is divided into 2 parts:
rn1) Aptitude – This part has 25 aptitude questions. The time allotted for the same is 1.5 hours. Also, these questions can be easily solved if you know the basics of common aptitude questions asked from time to time. Next, you will be provided with the question paper of the next part as soon as the time for first round ends. In the aptitude part, mostly logical puzzles and problems will be given. It is enough to follow just the basic aptitude module i.e the math aptitude questions and logical reasoning questions. To ace this section of the Zoho Test Pattern, the aspirant must be in touch with his/her High School Mathematics and General Reasoning Skills.
Duration – 1 hour
rnBased on the cutoff kept by the company the candidates will be qualified to the next round. The Candidates who clear this round will be sent to the next round i.e Programming Round. The test is of objective format where the candidate is supposed to write direct answers or code outputs. In technical part output for C questions are asked. This part consists of 10 technical questions based on C / C++ programming and SQL queries. The time duration allotted for this part is 1 hour and all questions are generally objective type except one or two where you have to write direct answers or outputs. Questions in pointers, strings, matrix, complex loops and nested loops and control flows, operator precedence, pointers, iterations, dynamic memory allocations etc are asked. One who is going to take the test must be good with the topics. It is good to revise basic computer programming questions here. Additionally, FACE can help aspirants practice their coding skills on the platform – PRO Coder.
rnDuration – 75 minutes
rnThis round is a little more complicated than the previous round. The Candidates who clear this round will be sent to this round i.e Advanced Programming Round. This Programming round is of 75 minutes duration and consists of 5 programming questions where the candidate is expected to write the code in C/C++ or JAVA.
rnIn this round, the candidate can get 5-8 programming problems of any language. The questions will come on the screen of the candidate’s allotted computer along with a compiler. The usage of languages like Java and C++ are not allowed in this round.
rnWhat they observe in the code is :
rnIt becomes important for the aspirants to be very accurate in their logic. The examiners will focus more on the correct logic rather than a correct code. However, the candidate
rnIn this round there will be given some modules to create or design like:
rnThis round is for candidates who clear the Written Round. The candidate can expect questions on any from their subject of study. Good subject knowledge is required to clear this round. This round is essential as the candidate’s Technical Knowledge is tested which is an essential stage of Zoho Recruitment Process.
rnFor this round, there is no specific pattern, a candidate will have to answer questions based on his/her personal choice, there are no right answers or wrong answers, and it is basically to test one’s personality.
rnZoho does not have any specific eligibility criteria to apply for Zoho off-campus drive. Candidates should have any degree (BE, B.TECH or Post Graduate degree). The candidates can have backlogs. So, if you are aspiring to get placed in Zoho, grab the opportunity and you need not worry about the CGPA/ percentage. The ideal Zoho candidates are the ones who can exhibit strong coding skills, excellent communication skills, and willingness to learn.
rnZoho usually offers two packages i.e 4.5 LPA and 6.5 LPA, based on the candidate’s performance in all the rounds.
rnIn order to apply for the off-campus drive, visit their official website regularly and see if there are any openings. Also, keep checking their LinkedIn Profile to get more updates. To know about the upcoming drives, visit FACE Prep.
rnAll the Best!