Our team at Campus-Placement had a few words with a student from RNSIT College. Here are some updates.
rn1. Aptitude Section;
rn16Q’s – Logical Reasoning (16 minutes)
rn22Q’s – Verbal (18 minutes)
rn18Q’s – Quants (20 minutes)
rn2. Two Q’s from the coding round;
rnOne question being related to writing a code for a given output with some constraints such as;
rn1. Write a code for 1*2*3*4…. For n=10
rn2. Finding GCD of two numbers.
rnTime Allotted: 40 Minutes
rn3. Third round tests your written English.
rnParagraph writing – 200-400 words
rnTime Allotted: 20 minutes
rn4. No negative marking.
rn5. Test conducted on AMCAT platform.
rnNow, let’s have a look at few interview questions WIPRO might ask:
rnHR Questions
rnSpeak for 5 minutes about yourself.
rnTell me some latest news about WIPRO.
rnWhy do you want to join WIPRO and not any other IT company?
rnWhere do you see yourself in 5 years?
rnWhy should we hire you?
rnTechnical Question Topics
rnBasic Knowledge about computing language.
rnIn depth knowledge about your college project, what you did and what was the need for it.
rnApt knowledge about Data Structures.